What’s the most annoying/ worst dating advice you hear that simply isn’t true?

  1. I’ve come to realize that some dating advice is better thought of not as ways to find someone, but as ways to keep yourself from attaching to someone that won’t work with you.

    “Just be yourself” is one of those. I’m difficult to tolerate when I am myself.

  2. From my grandfather:

    “Always give your gal a smack on the ass after your first date… let’s them know you like them and want to see them again.”

  3. “You can make any relationship work as long as you promise to love each other”

    There is a lot more to a healthy relationship than love. Sometimes you can really love someone and have a failing relationship because you’re not religiously, morally, or sexually compatible with them.

  4. “You have to love yourself before you can truly love someone else”

    I mean I’m all for self love but you can still work on yourself while looking for love

  5. The idea that You have to stop trying to date for an extended period of time and “work on yourself” to be qualified to ask some girl out for a drink lol

    I think it puts women in this really weird Pedestal

  6. The constant rules people give out. Wait 2 days, no wait 3 days. Don’t double text. Split the bill, don’t split the bill.

    Life is hard enough without silly rules.

  7. “All men are pigs.” “Assume a man is already seeing a bunch of other women when you first meet.”

  8. “There’s X amount of people in the world…there’s someone for everyone!”

    Uh…I’m not going on a damn world tour just to look for ‘love’

  9. Relationships are 50/50

    Nope, especially marriage, it’s a curve. 30/70. 20/80, 80/20. Everyone has their ups and downs. Just stick together sometimes even when you hate them

  10. First dates involving some elaborate activity or dinner. First dates are meant to check for chemistry and just get to know someone. Meet for drinks only. If the chemistry isn’t there (and you’ll know very quickly) than just move on.

    Nobody wants to eat awkwardly or ice skate or bowl with someone they aren’t into. Don’t put either of you through that. If you vibe on first date you can do the dinners and stuff on dates 2+.

  11. “Never take no for an answer.” My guy, that’s advice for harassers, stalkers and rapists.

  12. “Work on yourself and the women will come to you” is the biggest load of bullshit ever. Men are still expected to approach regardless if they have it all together or are a work in progress. Men that are passive in dating almost always end up with a woman they’re not really attracted to and have to settle. They also end up taking instruction from their girlfriend and she ends up having no respect for him.

  13. “Try online dating”

    It’s like telling someone that the best way to get rich is to win the lotto jackpot

    Yeah, good luck.. You’ll need it. Say goodbye to all that money and your self worth…. Whilst you’re trying to score that jackpot

  14. Any advice that advises a man to stop looking for someone or that reassures him that the right person will come at the right time. It’s shit. It comes from people in a position of privilege that the average guy has never been on and most likely never will. Following such advice is making sure that no one will ever notice you to even begin an interaction in the first place.

    Also, any advice stupid enough to presume that guys don’t do basic stuff, like taking showers, getting dressed or taking minimal care of their appearance. It’s a type of comment so stupid that it’s borderline offensive to every guy that’s put himself out there, outdid these basics yet still failed. Whoever says that has zero credibility on the subject and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

  15. “Just be happy doing your own thing and women will notice and be interested”

    I am an ugly ass son of a bitch, who no woman has ever been interested in, if anything EVER happens in my romantic life it will 100% be because I made a move. That shitty advice 100% would only work for physically attractive men who didn’t need the fucking advice in the first place!

  16. Money can’t buy love.

    I lost my job and my wife of 25 years bounced on me like Flubber.

  17. Everytime I tell women should approach first and it doesn’t work, they reply with “MeN eNJoY tHe CHas3”. Yeah, that is bullshit sweetie. We don’t.

  18. “Work on yourself.”

    I feel like this is overused, to the point of not even meaning anything anymore. I’ve also known plenty of people with really shitty personalities, addictions, criminal records and out-of-shape bodies who have someone. It doesn’t seem like they had to do much of any “working on their selves”.

  19. “It’ll just happen”.

    Bullshit. Most men have to get out and fuckin hustle to get a girlfriend. It rarely “just happens”.

  20. Anytime a gal ends a date early and the reason starts, I just remembered or I just realized….she’s not that into you. Just agree to end the date and do not contact her again.

    Don’t ask me how I know this.

  21. “Show power over her, act like you own her” been hearing it more than I’d like to and it’s actually worrying

  22. It’s better to call them 3 days later.

    No, if you think it went well, call/text them later that night.

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