What age has been your favorite? Why?

  1. Mine is 100% the age of 37. Spent 21 years with a man at that point and finally came to the decision to separate/divorce after having mulled over it for six years +. It was like I REALLY got to live, explore, embrace my independence, play with my children, and downright flourished in my youth, essence, and beauty. Family and friends said I radiated. I know exactly what I want. I have what I need. I make the freedom of time a priority and am comfortable in my investments. I choose to be with a partner and have the best teammate possible. It’s been four and a half years since that moment, but I’m forever 37 and freedom still looks good on me.

  2. The future I don’t think I have had my favourite year yet. I was a late bloomer and stuff keeps getting better.

  3. 1994, junior year of high school, braces off, had a CD deck in my car (lol), cruised around with friends, PT job so I had some cash, few responsibilities, some boys calling for dates, and chill parents.

  4. So far, 30. I started it off to a girls trip in Vegas. Started dating my husband a few months later. We had a blast then and are still having fun.

  5. I’m 32 and the last couple years have been the happiest of my life. I’m mentally stable for the first time since I was a teenager and because of that, everything has followed suit. I never had the intention of living past 27 and now I’m grateful every day that I made it.

  6. 25 so far. I have a baby, happy relationship, good relationship with my family and live in a nice house.

  7. My favorite age so far has been 25. I felt the most confident and comfortable in my own skin at that age. I had a great group of friends, a job I loved, and was in a good place mentally and emotionally.

  8. My favorite age was 37. I married my wonderful husband that year, I was doing well in my career, and *I was healthy.* (I mean, my C5-C6 discs were herniated and I had headaches every day, but that was nothing)

    Then I turned 38, had surgery on those discs, and discovered that I had metastatic breast cancer as part of the pre-op process.

    Now I’m 41, still happily married, trying my best in an easier career, and my health is a constant worry.

  9. Although I’ve very happy at my current age i would say the summer after my senior year was my favorite part of my life. Fresh out of high school with zero responsibilities yet i still had a six pack and perky boobs. It was a very good summer lol

  10. Every year from 33 on has been better and better. I’m 38 now, and it has been the best yet. I think age puts a lot in perspective and I have learned a lot from the mistakes I made when I was younger so I’m much better at life now.

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