I’m 22F and for the last few months every time after me and my boyfriend have sex I get my period.
I literally got off my period last week, slept with my boyfriend this morning & have it again.

I have the implanon if that may have anything to do with it

  1. As others have said, consult a doctor. It may be as simple as he’s churning things up, or breaking something loose.
    My wife is on the pill and never actually has a period, but there are times after sex where things get churned up and there is some breakthrough bleeding.

  2. Did you just get it in? Might have something to do with the hormones settling in. The first round I had on my implant it was random but light periods. On the second round no periods and I can’t remember spotting.

  3. Heyy, go see a doctor. Bleeding after sex is a red flag, for a number of things. Not meaning to scare you it could be nothing, but health worker here. Make an appointment today x

  4. It’s not uncommon to bleed after sex but also can be a underlying problem.as others have said it’s time to see a doctor.hope all is well

  5. Bleeding is not necessary your period! I think your cervix is sensitive it it happens every time. See a doc.

  6. PCOS… Most likely. Uterine wall problems. Do not be afraid to consult a Dr. That’s what they are there for..

  7. My gf has a similar condition, and so far, it hasn’t been a big deal for us. She has an IUD, so the hormones thin out her blood vessels down there, and the friction of PIV sex ends up tearing some of those. But she does get menstrual cramps too, which indicates a period. Anyway, she’s currently awaiting some test results, but you should definately see a doctor about it to make sure it’s safe

  8. When I had an iud this happened to me. I wonder if I had some inflammation from the iud. You can also get inflammation from bacteria, like bv or stis. Getting swabbed for those things might at least rule them out.

  9. Go get that checked. If it’s a small bleeding, there could be some irritation after sex, but if it’s a full on period something’s not right. Just get that checked

  10. My wife had this issue and it was her birth control. But as others have said consult your doctor.

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