Having a hard time trying to find any dates at all since I entered my professional program a while ago. The apps really haven’t worked for me and I haven’t really met anyone in my classes that I’ve “clicked with”, save for a handful but things went nowhere. Another consideration too is just how much gossip happens in school and I don’t want any negative opinions of me springing from me asking people out.

I’m definitely feeling a bit defeated especially since I try my best to put myself out there.

What things have worked for you?

  1. Find a hobby. Ideally one where improving at the hobby requires social interaction. My normal list is martial arts with live sparring, partner dance, board games, community theater, team sports.

    First of all, people who go to a hobby enjoy going to that hobby. That means that the energy there is already positive. Secondly, because getting better at that hobby requires social interaction, the amount of energy you put it into improving plays double duty in bettering your social connections – you’re able to become more social without putting in extra effort.

    For what it’s worth, guys who can dance are always more attractive than guys who can’t. At this stage in my life basically my entire circle of friends (plus one former and one current romantic partner) come from ballroom.

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