How to get ahead in life —- Wrong answers only!

  1. walk into a building, ask to speak to a manager and hand him your resume personally.

  2. Be sure to follow the life template checklist. You **must** do the following to be a successful adult:

    Go to college

    Get that corporate job

    Work 40+ hours per week

    Get married

    But that house in the burbs

    Buy practical cars

    Have 2.3 children

    These steps may lead to a successful life, however there is no guarantee, and even if they do, you may not be happy; I wasn’t. Thankfully, I stopped before I had children. My unconventional life is much better that how I lived before. I have no regrets, but I could have saved a lot of time and grief if I had known that I didn’t have to follow that checklist.

  3. Take out student loans, and settle for nothing less than a graduate degree.

    Don’t buy the house you need and can afford, buy the house you want to be able to afford when you retire. You’ll save on moving and closing costs.

    Use leverage/debt for literally everything, and only make minimum payments. No matter what, do this with your mortgage and student loans.

    Never stop at a gas station without buying a scratcher.

    Lease your vehicles, trade in every 2 years.

    Instead of investing 401Ks or ROTHs, put everything in crypto.

    Time the market and never plan to hold a stock for more than a quarter.

    Turn day trading with options into your side hustle.

  4. Put your head down at your poorly paid job, deal with every inconvenience, insult, and degradation imposed on you by your boss with a smile, and generate as much surplus value for your company as humanly possible, regardless of the acute and chronic consequences on your mind, body, and social relationships.

  5. 1) Always set your goals as high as possible. Sky is the limit.

    2) Say yes to everybody. Boss wants you to do that fourth extra task? Go for it, it shows your loyalty.

    3) Focus on work and work only. Hobbies are just for people with too much free time. Put in those unpaid extra hours and you will climb that ladder.

    4) Always be available. Answer your Phone, Emails and Whatsapp immediately. People need you.

    5) Only accept the highest standards for yourself and be super critical about what you do. (Also see #1). Failing is for losers and mistakes are not to be tolerated.

  6. Work hard at your job. They love you there! They will always be there for you, take care of you, and assist you in any way possible!

  7. Avoid dating and having a social life for the entire decade of your 20s. Make up for it in your 30s after you are established in a career and have more money.

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