I (21M) suspect my gf (20F) of 4 years cheated

My girlfriend is the love of my life and has every quality I want in a life long partner. She is extremely personable, loving, kind, sweet, and always lightens the mood. Im not a very social person, and have a very small circle, we are a bit of polar opposites but enjoy our time together. She enjoys country concerts, and I feel a bit uncomfortable going to concerts, especially when I don’t know the artist/songs so I allow her to go with friends.

this weekend (Friday/Saturday) she went to the bar/concert with her friend. My gf was acting strange over text which made me check her Instagram where i noticed she recently followed some dude from her grandpas work she visits often. When I saw her Sunday I asked if she recently followed anyone, and she admitted to following blah blah name. I proceeded to ask to see her phone for the first time in four years. She claimed she left her phone downstairs, got up and wrapped her jacket around her phone, and tried to head downstairs but I called her out and saw what she did. She proceeded to turn her back towards me and fiddle with her phone for 45+ seconds, then show me her DMs with Instagram already open. She did the same when I asked to see snapchat. 20 minutes into arguing some dude “not blah blah” called her phone up. I asked who tf that was and she said it was some dude her friend met at the concert but OFCOURSE her friends phone was dead so my gf had to put it in hers. She then proceeded to delete the contact, remove the recent calls, and claims she doesn’t have the number to give me when I ask for it.

She says she loves me, will not be going to her grandpas work or concerts without me or a trusting family member. She says the full story is she w as just unfollowing blahbla on Instagram before showing me, (even though she already admitted following him) and claims she would give me notblahblahs number if she could. Ofcourse i don’t believe her, but I have asked and interrogated her over and over receiving the same response.

I genuinely don’t think I can live without this woman, but I have currently blocked her on all accounts and told her to come see me when she is ready to give me the number.

TLDR; gf has dudes hitting her phone up and continues to lie to me while profusing her love for me

  1. It’s obvious that she’s lying. I think you’re very valid in setting a boundary that she only contact you when she’s ready to tell the truth.

    But is there an actual question you had?

  2. Yeah she deleted some stuff that is not appropriate to your relationship. How grave the material is you’ll never know and she took the ability for you to decide if it was worth working it out or breaking up. Trust is the #1 policy to relationships, and you don’t trust her enough to go to the concert alone. Just like she didn’t trust you to let her go through her phone right off the bat. Without it, relationship isn’t worth much tbh. Do with that what you will.

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