What’s a fear, anxiety, or insecurity that you hide?

  1. Kind of silly but I seriously worry about a zombie apocalypse happening, I know it’s pretty much impossible but living in a city and the idea of a zombie apocalypse happening is scary as fuck.

  2. I’m very insecure about my skin, but I try to avoid telling people this so they will not start taking more notice of my skin than usual.

  3. Hair…. very insecure about my thin hair. It’s about chin length and I can still pull it back but still… I envy those women with thick, long hair!

  4. I have a fear of being alone. I try to act like I really don’t care about relationships, and yes, I’m definitely willing to wait for the right person, but… I still get anxious about it😬😬

  5. I’ve been bullied as a kid and pre-teen. Whenever someone gives me a compliment in public, my reflex is to wonder if they are sincere or making fun of me.

  6. my legs. god really said ratio when he gave me long legs and a fat ass, BUT my legs have been plastered with scars since i was five. some were from a skin condition, some from when i used to sh. these scars never fade no matter what product i use, so my legs kinda look like a cheetah’s. i’ve never worn anything short outside.

  7. Basically my entire self. I’ve been self-isolating since sophomore year of Highschool (age 15) Now I’m 21 in university and it’s currently at its worst

  8. My hair, I wish it would be longer but I have to deal with it until it grows out on its own I hate it so much I cry about it and get so frustrated that I can’t style it. It’s not short at all but I used to have a mullet and the fringe part looks so weird compared to the rest of my hair. I’ve thought about extensions but I’m a highschool student everyone there is so judgmental and I don’t wanna get bullied to the point where I have to move schools. I also hate my stomach but I’m working on that, just wanna be skinny 🫰

  9. Once someone really gets to know me, and sees me at my best and worst, then they won’t like me anymore

  10. My forehead is too big, I’m overweight, everyone around me secretly hates me and talk about how I’m too stupid to notice behind my back. Just girly things

  11. I am terrified of being knocked unconscious / being put under.
    Any time I’ve brought it up in the past, people have questioned the latter, and it sparks a lot of unwanted digging into past experiences and trauma.

  12. I have the mom pooch tummy, been going to the gym but I can’t get it to go away. Reasonably I know that it’s not a big deal, there are much bigger things (even in my own life) to be concerned about, and I notice it way more than anyone else likely does. My boyfriend assures me that he thinks I’m beautiful anyway…. But idk I still have this overwhelming insecurity about it. It makes me so mad because it’s so stupid and shallow. But I just feel so unattractive, in the back of my mind it’s always there nagging at me – we’re still pretty young, I don’t encounter other women my age with this issue… I kind of can’t make myself believe that he’s actually attracted to me when I’m naked because I just don’t like what I see.

  13. Since i was 6 i’ve been bullied for my weight just because i was a bit chubbier for my age. Ever since then i’ve been really insecure and self conscious of my weight, and whenever i eat unhealthy/junk food i feel like i’m going to automatically gain weight so i don’t want to eat it. I’ve tried lots of diets and exercises to lose weight but the weight will just not come off for some reason. Now that i’m in secondary school, i feel the pressure more as the popular girls are all tall, skinny, wear makeup and have a bf. Slowly starting to love myself more though.

  14. getting hit by a ball like if someone is playing football I start to panic coz I got badly bruised by one as a child.. yeah

  15. scared of people finding out i’m actually quite alone and i don’t go out every weekend….also i’m nearly 99% always aware of how i look and that if i don’t want to take photos with you it’s because i know i look bad at the moment

  16. I don’t feel very worldly or capable. All my skills are ‘soft skills’; writing, music, empathising.

    I’ve bever worked in hospitality, am only a semi-confident swimmer, can’t drive, can’t repair clothes, only a very basic cook, and haven’t travelled.

  17. I’ll be never good enough for anyone that believes me and I rather disappear right now

  18. I hate that I’m half black. I’m embarrassed by my curly hair. And sometimes my skin color. It’s the ugliest thing about me and shameful. My dad is black and I have no relationship with him. With that I’m very bitter towards all the abuse he put me through when I was a child. I wish I could tear out the half of him that made me.

  19. I have a constant fear that I’ll never be good enough for anyone to like/love me, and all the people who say they do are somehow going to realise the “truth” one day and leave…

    Most of the time I ignore/hide it because I know it’s not true, but on bad days it can be hard.

  20. that i am not someone who is winning at life, meaning getting high achievements for my work, being super competitive and ambitious. i always have to pretend that i have my life together and i am a workaholic and high achieving when really i struggle reaching that point due to a number of reasons. i just want people to chill and not have such high expectations of me

  21. I’m insecure about my stomach fat. I really don’t like how when I gain weight, my stomach is the first place it goes. Idk if I’ll ever be able to have a completely flat stomach. I’m actually at a fairly good weight and healthy but my stomach sometimes contradicts that…

  22. I didn’t have my first boyfriend (and first kiss) until I was 21. No one was into me at all in middle or high school and it’s left me feeling like I’m unloveable. Even when I was with my ex boyfriend I felt insecure that he actually liked me and a little uncomfortable when he told me how much he liked me and how pretty I was bc I just couldn’t bring myself to believe it. I think I honestly tanked that relationship myself bc I was just too emotionally closed off and uncomfortable with the attention of being liked.

    Being romantically ignored as an adolescent does a real number on a person psychologically lol

  23. I worry all my friends are just pretending and actually just tolerate my existence and don’t actually like me.

  24. There’s entirely too many to count honestly.
    – I live with the constant fear of time running out, with zero event in mind
    – I struggle with imposter syndrome (a LOT!) like I’m not supposed to be here, I feel that way with the best of opportunities that I actually do deserve
    – I think I’m too intense sometimes – its all or nothing for me and I can imagine I run things into the ground with other people because of it
    – I have a pretty ubiquitous fear of being cheated on… I’ve usually been on the other side however experienced being the partner who has to deal with infidelity and it was not fun to say the least. I’ve never felt pain like that in my life.
    – I have an ungodly fear of being unsuccessful. I want to be and do a lot of things that are success oriented and I’m uber ambitious and work hard sometimes to get what I want. If I fail, it is extremely personal.
    – lastly, I fear going unloved all my life. I have an amazing support network through my friends but I have an inherent desire to be loved and taken care of (what woman does NOT wanna be adored?) honestly. I better not be lonely all my life haha.

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