We have been friends for 23 years and we are 23 years old so yeah more like family

The last year we kinda fell out of contact and has different views on politics and life

So we matched on tinder as a joke,but are meeting up tonight and go for a drink

Now she has has a boyfriend for 8 years until this year so the thougt of having a sexual or romantic relation woth her never came to mind

Now while the sexual attraction is there i dont know how to go for a kiss or something like that cause we where friends for so long, how would you make the move?

  1. >Now while the sexual attraction is there i dont know how to go for a kiss or something like that cause we where friends for so long, how would you make the move?

    You’re in a great position in that you actually know this person very well

    Part of why a first kiss usually seems so hard is that generally you know little about the person, meaning you’ve had to assess their receptiveness to you in a short time

    Go for your drinks and when you identify a good moment just go for it, could be between rounds and saying something like ‘ive always wondered what kissing you would be like’ and then just hold her head and go in for it (I realise some might find this cheesy but sometimes cheesy is good)

    Essentially to summarise: you’ve known each other a long time and now you’re going on a date – there must be sexual/romantic energy there on both sides, so shoot your shot and it’s likely it will go in your favour

  2. Are you sure they view it as a date? If they matched as a joke and y’all have such different views on life and politics that you fell out it may just be a catch-up for them rather than a sincere date.

  3. She’s wondering the same thing. She’s already accidentally wondered what it would be like to be with you. Make the vibe sweet and playful and romantic and say a few nice things only you could say to her because you know her so well. Mean it.

  4. An 8 year relationship and only 23 y.o.! How recently did that end? It might be too soon to pursue a serious relationship with her. You may not want to press it too hard. Even if she follows through with wanting a relationship, she might reconsider later that she needed more time. Now may not be the best time 🙁 Just be mindful of that. If this is a highly valued friend, also don’t treat it like a fling or hookup. She might be in a vulnerable mindset and question your value and motives. Just tread lightly.

  5. I don’t know how other people feel about this, but you might just want to straight up ask her if this is a date. It might not be in her eyes, but obviously I don’t know enough of the context. If she says yes, just feel it out and read her body language. If she says no, you can still go out on the drink as friends if you want, or tell her you are not interested in being friends to make your intentions clear.

  6. She just got out of a relationship. When I got out of mine (not as long, but still multiple years) I wouldn’t want to date someone as soon as I came out of it. I’m not sure if it was early 2022, but if it was only a month or two ago, go slow. Be mindful. Good luck

  7. It sounds like you have a lot of assumptions here and tbh I feel this is going to end badly unless you have a talk about expectations, wants, etc

  8. > so the thougt of having a sexual or romantic relation woth her never came to mind

    Stop the cap!!

  9. If she’s been laughing at your jokes, twirling her hair, and initiating touch with you, those are strong signs of attraction.

    So at the end of the date, if you look at her eyes, then down at her lips, then back up to her eyes, and then she looks at your lips, she’s thinking about kissing you.

    Option 1: You slowly lean in for the kiss.

    Option 2: You say, “I want to kiss you.” Then lean in for the kiss.

    She might pull you in for a hug if she’s not ready to kiss you or doesn’t feel comfortable.

    And that’s okay. You can play it off with, “Since this is a tinder date, figured I play my part.”

    Then you can joke about it later and salvage the friendship.

  10. Going on a date with your lifetime best friend can be a fun and exciting experience. It can be a great opportunity to spend quality time together and get to know each other in a new way.

  11. >The last year we kinda fell out of contact and has different views on politics and life

    Without knowing that your views are back in tolerable alignment why would you want to go on a date with her?

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