How popular are/were you at school, work, or among friends and family?

  1. When i was little, maybe. I was my family’s first born and the top of my class. When i grew up a little, it changed . I didn’t care much about it. I was shy, and i hated attention. I think i was more comfortable not being singled out anymore

  2. I was right in the middle in school. I could hang out with the less popular kids and I could hang out with the more popular kids. Before I quit my old job I was actually very well liked but most of the people I worked with and my family seems to like me pretty well lol.

  3. Not at all, in school, I was the quiet girl that classmates and teachers alike often didn’t even notice, and I’m still mostly the same at work nowadays.
    Even amongst friends I’m the one who speaks the least, but they never call me out on it, unlike family members that used to try and get me to talk more (without result).

  4. At school, not really popular. I had a few friends but that was about it.

    Work- I have my bff and get along with everyone but neither of us are really in the clique.

    Family – I’m popular as long as I am useful

    Friends I only have a couple of those but we are a riot when we are together and I’m pretty popular.

    I am very introverted and struggle with getting and maintaining relationship with people I don’t see every day. I am also pretty socially awkward when I don’t know people or don’t trust them.

  5. I was the bullied loser in the first years of high school and later I got popular in my town and in high school for being the clown and the crazy kid, which also didn’t end up very well..

  6. At school I wasn’t popular because I was violent and really mean to people. I manage to make a couple friends at most of my jobs.

  7. Not popular at all in school. I’ve always been pretty quiet and kinda shy around most people, until I get to know someone well. That really hasn’t changed into adulthood. I have a few close friendships.

    As far as family goes, I’m not close with many as I have cut most out due to their toxicity. So I wouldn’t consider myself popular in that regards either.

  8. Moderately popular at school….among kids: for idek what, among teachers: for being naughty (not in a sexual way)

  9. Well I thought I got on quite well with quite a few people. Not quite close friends, but I would have been happy to run into them outside of school. Turns out, a lot of people who I really liked, had been talking about me behind my back. Oh well, you live and you learn. I have great friends now, and I couldn’t care less what other people say behind my back. But yeah, that was not a fun discovery to make.

  10. I was homecoming queen in school. At work I’m very well liked. Family likes being around me too

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