we have a personal pizza coming in our accounts office, but our manager is somewhat strict so have to appear busy when there really isn’t much work left to do.

  1. Last day is tomorrow but I’ve got a fucking cold so these office lights are blinding and I’m freezing cold.
    Hoping to god my boss leaves this afternoon so I can go find somewhere dark to chill for a couple hours.

  2. It’s not the last day of work until tomorrow, but this is likely an accurate glimpse into the future

  3. Every office I’ve worked in, the last day before Christmas, has been fucking around playing games all morning then pretending to work from 12pm while actually just waiting for one of the senior leadership team to come round and tell everyone to go home early.

    My girlfriend asked me once why I don’t take it off and start Christmas early and I had to explain that it basically was a day off playing Command & Conquer/DOOM on DosBox and secretly drinking bramble brandy and sloe gin in the meeting rooms.

  4. Last day tomorrow but was promised a meeting at 11 where we think they are gonna say call it early and enjoy Xmas. It’s now 1 and still not had the meeting.

    Xmas is so close yet so far away

  5. Last day is a half day tomorrow, then they give us the days between Christmas and NY off. I’m at home and still working as normal, but there’s definitely a lot less stress hanging over me.

  6. Last day is tomorrow… I’ve been in bed all day jumped on a quick meeting 1000-1003 this morning. Wish today was the last day.

  7. Went into work Monday, realised getting to the end of the week was going to be a complete farce at the speed it was going, had leave to do it. Now spending all of this week off eating cheese, drinking beer and playing video games

  8. Working today and tomorrow, and my brain is on a go slow.

    Even with finishing my main job tomorrow, I’m working tonight and tomorrow night for my partner’s work, and again on Saturday, then Sunday I’m working my second job for 12hrs.

    So no rest for me until Boxing Day, which will become our Christmas Day.

  9. Last day for Civil Servants is tomorrow and back in next week for three days. We get a grand total of 3 days for Christmas and New Year and our Scottish friends get 4 days.

  10. Stuck on problems this week where a five minute call with someone who knows where everything is would probably save me half a day.

    Naturally all the people with said knowledge are already on holiday!

  11. My last day is a half-day on Saturday. This week is dragging, there’s nothing to do.

    I’ve got a list of monotonous tasks that other departments don’t want to do as I find repetitive data entry passes the time.

  12. your manager is a prick.

    although that’s probably why i’d make a poor manager, i’d just tell people to be honest with themselves and fuck off home if they genuinely had nothing to do or were just killing time.

  13. Last day for me is 27th.

    wait I’m working nights on christmas eve and Christmas day answering 999 calls. Don’t have emergencies please, I don’t want to do actual work. I want to read my book about serial killers.

  14. I’m WFH and bored out of my brain! I have to stay near my laptop, so I can’t do much else. The house is immaculate, I’ve got the TV on, I’ve painted my nails. I’ve sent 2 emails today 😖 My heart goes out to people faking it in offices this week!

  15. I haven’t been doing much the whole week but I’m reading Brave New World and from home so I can’t complain..

  16. I’m WFH tomorrow. Plan to do very little in the morning and then slope off not long after lunch in lieu of working late one evening last week. Happy days!

  17. Got quite lucky, boss allowed me to work from home from Wednesday, its been quite all week. Friday is a nice half day too.

  18. Still got tomorrow to go.
    No work left.
    Ran out of work to do at 9:30 this morning.
    Manager is off sick.


  19. My last day today until Jan 2 I spent it scrolling Reddit and watching Pink Floyd delicate sound of thunder at my desk on my laptop.

  20. I always wonder about this… I sometimes want shifts to be over too, but at the same time it’s wanting death to come more quickly!

  21. My last day was last Friday, the day after the works party. Strangely, there was a lot of people “working from home”. I knocked it on the head at 2:30 when I realised the only car in the car park was mine and the site manager. I said that I’d be on call until 4… then I’ll see you in January.

  22. Went into work at 8am this morning. Talked bollocks for an hour then we all decided that that’ll do and went home.
    Merry Christmas 🙂🙂

  23. I work in a shipping line (marine logistics) and our last days before holidays can be very unpredictable. We can’t really control vessel operations or their schedules as they depend on operational and natural factors. Some common issues clients may face are untimely release of their containers at the port of discharge. The worst case scenarios include clients wanting to change the destination of their shipment right before Christmas or New Year. Like bruh, sounds like a 2023 problem!!! 🤣 Once we clock out we clock out. Everyone just prays that they don’t end up with an emergency case.

  24. My day dragged. I was so bored and I felt sick from eating two slices of cake, crisps, chocolate. All I did was reddit. I had two 5 minute jobs to do and I procrastinated the shit out of them.

  25. Spent the morning (only work a half day on Thursday) doing a lot more than usual because everyone else suddenly remembered they break up tomorrow and hadn’t done xyz. But I’m free now!

  26. We are going out to a staff Christmas lunch at a local restaurant tomorrow at lunch time and until then we have to somehow make ourselves busy. There’s very little to do at this point and all the time sensitive stuff is cleared off desks. My boss said at some point today “I’m not sure there’s much point in coming in tomorrow, we should just write off the morning and come in for the lunch”….but he didn’t mean it, I know he didn’t mean it, so I get to think of creative ways to appear busy for the morning…..

  27. Stuck in the office until 17:30 tomorrow in a job I’m leaving Wednesday. I’m spending my days doing nothing and being bored.

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