
So I have a classmate in a class, let’s say its mathematics. This classmate seems to be very interested in a particular sub-area of mathematics, and often just starts ranting either in my vicinity or even sometimes when talking to me about this sub-area or anything they are doing related to this sub-area. It’s like a very animated, fairly loud and rapid rant that is super annoying.

So, I don’t really care about this sub-area, don’t really care to hear their opinions or whatever on it, and generally don’t like conversing in such a pointless manner, but I’m not sure how to tell them to like “stop” without being overly rude? It also disrupts my own thought flow.

On days where I’m particularly tired or stressed about other stuff I think about saying “Hey, I know you like this topic, but I really don’t care much about it, and I really don’t want to listen about it, but if you want to have a conversation about something maybe we can.” But I think this might be overly rude, IDK. Most days I just tune out but I’d rather just not have it be a thing, if you know what I mean?

I don’t have the best “social skills” though, so I’m not sure if this is a valid response, or if there is a better one?

Edit: I also am not sure if they intend it in a malicious way or just can’t help it or something. I’ve thought maybe they are autistic and can’t “read the room” so to speak. But I suppose if they can and are just being inconsiderate of others by sort of imposing their own nonsense on them I would be more inclined to be more “rude”. I just am not sure…

1 comment
  1. I think exactly what you quoted would work. If they can not help it, they might continue to talk about it, and you could assume it is difficult for them to stop themselves. If they are not noticing your lack of interest, it is likely that could be the case. But asking them to stop sking you about thag particular topic wouldn’t be an outrageously rude or inappropriate thing in either case.

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