We were acquaintances before all this

1. I told her I was interested. She says she wasn’t sure
2. We continued as friends but then she asked me out on a date all of a sudden to my surprise

During the Date

1. She hugged my arm while we were walking so I went to hold her hands.
2. She would randomly asks me to hug her. (She has said she is cautious about hugging)
3. She mentioned a few times that it was my turn to ask her out the next time.
4. Asked her straight if she is interested in me and after avoiding the question multiple times. she hesitantly says she is and that she thinks about me sometimes (sounded like I pressured her to say yes but I may just be insecure)
5. She was talking to me about personal stuff that she usually isn’t open about
6. It ended with me sending her home and her asking me to remember to text her when I reached home
7. We thanked each other for the date and she said she had fun
8. We never kissed. I still wasn’t sure that this point (During the date, I realise we are really VERY different kinds of people. Maybe I’m just not what she is looking for )


1. The next day I thanked her for a gift she bought me
2. She didn’t reply till the next day. Even then it was a cold reply (Which happens a lot when we are texting both before and after the date)

She always shows me texts of her and her other friends talking about me and also texts with our mutual friends. She texts them almost every day and her replies are always enthusiastic. But she rarely initiates with me and whenever I text her, it’s cold replies that take forever. (Which hurts because I’m kinda crazy about her)

  1. >I told her I was interested. She says she wasn’t sure

    IF she’s not sure, she’s not sure. Never trust the answer when you put her on the spot. She may have felt she needed to reply in the affirmative because she doesn’t want to upset you and ruin the mood of the date. But then afterwards, with the advantage of hindsight, she may have second thoughts.

    Ask her out on another date. No response in 24 hours, then you know.

  2. This seems to be an ongoing theme on this subreddit. Either girls don’t want to seem desperate or they are used to being passive and getting what they want regardless of how much effort they put in.

    She’s clearly interested. I understand that as a guy you want to feel wanted. You want her to take some initiative so it doesn’t feel like you’re pestering her to hang out. That’s just how most girls are.

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