Hi there, I’m in love with one of the co workers I work with every single time I’m there since we have the same schedule, her and I have talked her and there and hung out a few times and when I emptied my heart and soul about how I feel and she said she doesn’t have any romantic feelings whatsoever but they can grow. I feel like I’m in love with the wrong person or I just don’t know what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  1. Become a better person and work on yourself. Workout, find hobbies your passionate about, become more sociable, etc. If she doesn’t like you now there’s nothing you can currently do to convince her otherwise. It might take awhile but if improve your life your opportunity will come, whether she’ll like you back is not guaranteed. Don’t try and push yourself on to her it will make things worse.

    Once she sees you’re a different person she’ll either

    A: Fall in love with the new version of you

    B: Not be impressed and act the same towards you

    Whether or not she likes you or not, if you work on yourself you’ll be more likely to catch the eye of a new girl

  2. Natural for her to not have any feelings for you, yet. But she said they can grow, which is a good sign.

    Think you need to ask her out, and see what she says. You already confessed so she knows, and now you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    Not a bad set up. Good luck!

  3. One tip that I think is really helpful when getting over someone is thinking of the exact situation you would need to accept in order to be with them. No daydreaming about the potential they told you or you dreamed about – them as they are exactly now. More often then not, your holding onto who you believe them to be. That’s how I move on from men quickly…

  4. >I emptied my heart and soul about how I feel

    That is the absolute worst thing you can do if you want to date someone. Look man it’s over with her. Move on to someone else. And next time, ask her out on a date, and skip emptying your heart and soul.

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