I personally like ladies who smell fresh, not from strong perfume, but just a fresh scent. I like this subtle scent on guys too. I would like to have this scent as well but not sure what men use to get this scent. What are some products you use that can give you that subtle fresh scent?

  1. r/AskWomen may have more answers if you don’t find what you’re looking for here

  2. Shower regularly, wear clean clothes, use scented lotions, etc. Unfortunately some people have this idea that all cologne/perfume is overpowering and gross because some people are really bad at wearing it and they hose themselves down in it. Some will be more subtle that others obviously but you can definitely wear a fragrance in a subtle way.

    Any fragrance should be a surprise, not an announcement.

  3. Aside from the obvious stuff like showering and washing your clothes, a good, sharper, lighter smelling fragrance can be great.

    L’Eau D’Issey by Issey Miyake is one I wear a lot day-to-day. Its a lot brighter and cleaner smelling than most mens’ fragrances and not so musky. So it really does make me smell “fresh”.

    IMO way many men lean way too heavily into musky, dark scents for their day-to-day. Musky scents have their place, they are great for winter or for a particularly teasy date night lol. But a musky fragrance on a warm summer day in the office smells really weird and out of place, at least to me.

  4. The key I found, which I got from some radio show 20 years ago, was putting cologne (a few squirts) on your bare skin and letting it sit a few minutes before putting on a shirt. It has a great subtle scent.

    Before this, I use to get all ready to go in the morning and spray cologne on fully dressed, right before leaving. That practice, combined with buying cheap overpowering musky scents, had me swear off the use of colognes for a long time. It use to smell like a moose drenched my collar in piss.

  5. Shower, lotion and chanel blue as my everyday usually, but that also depends on the time of year, and what time of the day, and also where I’m going

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