When did things click or start feeling better in adulthood?

  1. I came home from work one day, no dinner ready, chores still needing to be done, and I realized “Holy shit…I’m an adult and this is all on me…” And it made me happy for some reason.

  2. When I deleted fb, insta, most social media and started trying live in the present, not letting future goals become my whole personality. Oh and I stopped smoking, that helped me too, weed and tobacco.

  3. Click in my mid 20s. Just more life experience and knowledge. I dunno about feeling better in adult hood for me though as that went down for me

  4. When I started therapy and got a diagnose. It made me understand the chaos in my head and learn to live with myself. And then again when I met my husband. I’ll never understand all the love he has for me and how much room he has for me with my mental health, but he’s the best. I love him so much.

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