Hi, I’m a gay guy in my mid 20’s and I live in GA and I do not have insurance. I am still a virgin, but am finally ready to change that. However, STDs worry me quite a bit, so I’ve been trying to make sure my vaccines are up to date and am also trying to start PReP. Currently, I have been looking around trying to find somewhere to get the HPV shot, however it seems to be very expensive. When I called my local Planned Parenthood, they said it would be $300 per shot, which is not something I can afford. Does anyone have info on where I might be able to go to get a reduced price, or am I just going to have to go without it?

  1. Try finding a clinic where they do a research on HPV and it’s efficacy…
    Basically you get shots for free, in exchange for checking in every month or so for the next year…

  2. There is a program to help people like you.

    *You may be eligible for the program if all 3 of the following conditions apply:*

    *You reside in the United States and are 19 to 45 years of age**


    *You have no health insurance coverage (some examples of health insurance coverage include private insurance, HMOs, PPOs, college health plans, Medicaid, veterans’ assistance, or any other social service agency support)*


    *You have an annual household income less than†:*

    *$54,360 or less for individuals*

    *$73,240 or less for couples*

    *$111,000 or less for a family of 4.*

    *Individuals who do not meet the insurance coverage criteria may still qualify for the vaccine program if the patient has special circumstances of financial and medical hardship.*

    ** You do not have to be a US citizen. Residents of the United States, including US Territories, are also eligible.*

    *† For income limits in Alaska and Hawaii, please call 1-800-727-5400.*


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