Have you ever been legitimately terrified of a parent? & why?

  1. Yes. My dad was a drinker with a temper, just about explains itself. Every single day from birth to 16 or so was a fight.

  2. One of my earliest memories is my drunk and high dad holding a loaded gun to my moms head screaming I’ll kill you bitch.

  3. He looked like one of those hardass marine types.(a gf’s father) At least he was terrifying until I brought him some homemade cheesecake. He made a total 180.

  4. Whose parents? My parents?

    Absolutely. My psychologist listened to three stories about my dad and diagnosed me with PTSD. He used to literally kicked my door down at night to do room checks like a drill sergeant.

    Other people’s parents? Yes absolutely.

    My childhood best friend’s mom was 5’5 and 130lbs with pennies in her pockets. She wears massive glasses and has been a doctor for going on forty years. Her interests are college football and her kids. And when I say that woman has a darkness in her that leads me to believe that she saves lives because taking them would be too easy I mean it. She terrifies me to my core the way the man who once fired a gun next to my head to prove a point wishes he could.

  5. Yup. My old man was an abusive father. Punched me in the head once when I was 12, fairly certain I had a concussion. Was light headed for days, no exaggerating.

    My mother was a cunt liked to pit us against each other. So he’d get pissed off at me by her and I’d get beaten bloody.

  6. He’d hit me for the dumbest of reasons and he’d do it often so yes, for a while I was terrified. He is however a pathetic weakling of a man so the terror didn’t last all that long. I was too angry to be scared, and I knew I’d grow strong enough to give the old fuck some payback, even little baby me was smart enough to see how my dad fared compared to other men.

    Instant I went through puberty I was too big for him to abuse anymore, it was so obvious that he just stopped one day. Honestly disappointed in him, he is both pathetic in body and in soul, fucker caved in and stopped taking part in his favorite pastime the instant getting hit back was a possibility at all. Nowadays he’s a sad old fool with no one by his side, really hard to see why 5 year old me was ever terrified of him now.

  7. Yes. Don’t feel comfortable sharing details but let’s just say it involves both of my parents and a bit of childhood abuse.

  8. I’ve been struck by my parents, dad more so than mom. I still don’t/can’t/ won’t open up to him about anything sensitive. I just can’t forget about all the times he made me feel small and worthless.

  9. Yes, of my dad. He was not physically abusive, but he did carry a very threatening presence that made it seem as if he was perfectly capable of lashing out. That and the fact that he was emotionally abusive instead made me dread him coming home from work. He used to have his keys on his the belt loops of his pants, so I’d run from the living room to go hide in my room whenever I’d hear the jingle approach the front door.

  10. 6y. First beat down from my mother. My sis 9y smacked me across the face and smashed me in a door when I went after her. (dcf) imvestigation on bruise on my chest. Finally caught up to her in moms room and we started fighting and I got deck back of my head by my mom and she got on top of me and beat me till I squirmed away. Hid till my father came home.

    10y. father divorced drunk at this point was at a house party and got set up in a back room to watch movies. Wanted to sleep and go home got kicked out of the house in the cold for about a 2 hours. I came to the door shiverin and embarrassed my dad in front of the women. I was dodging backhands the whole way home while getting screamed at.

    12y. Stole my dads favorite hat and jumped in the shallow part of the lake. Got dunked till I let go of the hat I refused. Eventually blacked out.

    Crazy part is neither of my parents remember a single one of these events and gaslight me to everyone to pretend like I make up stories.

  11. In middle school, I was failing a few classes and was repeatedly grounded for it. I didnt like taking home my report cards so I started forging my dad’s signature. My friends would help me out by distracting the teachers.

    One day, my parent’s recieved a parent-principal conference request. My mom was the one to go.

    I had a friend who was an office aid when she arrived. When he overheard her check herself in, he was unaware of why she was there. He heard her say that she was there for the parent-principal conference. He introduced himself as my friend and asked if she was there because of me forging my dad’s signature.

    When I arrived in the principals office, before the actual meeting had begun, she asked where my friend got the idea of me forging my dad’s signature. I was speechless as I had no clue how she found out. Come to find out that it was my grades that the principal wanted to talk about.

    At the end of the conference, my mother tells me that my dad is going to have to have some words with me when he got home.

  12. Very abusive step father. Age 4-14 Belts, slaps, walk past me and bash my head against the wall sometimes knocking me out, sit on me with my arms pinned and choke me till I passed out, punch me in the gut and knock the wind out of me daily. Broke a couple bones along the way. I literally believed he’d kill me one day. He told me constantly he was going to. I remember being afraid but in the later years I just accepted that I was going to die and was no longer afraid. This wasn’t a good thing. Was well into my 20’s before I even started to get a grip on living like today is probably the last day. Do a lot of destructive things when there are no long term consequences. It’s still kinda there. Mid 40’s now and can’t picture anything past early to mid 60’s. Feel like I’ll be lucky to make it near that.

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