I have been sleeping with a guy on and off for the past 2 years and we have amazing sex that we both acknowledge, but when we started seeing each other we lived in different cities and he didn’t want to get into a long distance relationship so he had a talk with me that we should be careful to not get attached and see each other a little less. He became really cold towards we during this period but we kept hooking up. After a few months, we ended up going back to the cities we live in. The a year later, I moved to the city we met in. Now we live in the same city. We met to hookup when I moved, but he made it clear that he didn’t want to date me. I got upset with how cold he was acting and ignored him for a year until he reached out just recently. Now we’re casually seeing each other again.

I’ve never had such amazing sex like this with anyone in my life and want to ask him what we are doing, where we stand, or if we can maybe see each other exclusively, but because of our history and how he’s been cold towards me in the past, I feel weird asking him anything. He only texts me when he wants to hookup and our relationship has become very casual. We have very intimate sex consistently.

Can anyone here suggest how I can approach this via text or in person to get an answer and move on?

  1. Unfortunately, I think you already have your answer. As awesome as the sex is he doesn’t see you as anything more than a hookup when he’s got nothing better going on.

    Find someone that treats you how you deserve and want to be treated.

  2. Other than stop seeing him, you can try to stop having sex until he starts making it more of a social thing too.

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