How often do you hold hands with your partner? Does it make a difference if you are in public or at home?

  1. Not enough, but now I’m gonna make a point to do it tonight at our friends big holiday party and tell her how much I love having her in my life

    Fingers intertwined, never crossed palms 🫶

  2. Me and my fiance both WFH so are often affectionate with each other in passing during the day so some hand holding there

    If we’re cuddling on the sofa watching something etc usually holding hands will be a part of that

    We usually hold hands/hug in public, sometimes I need prompting, she is more pda-inclined than me but I’m getting used to it as it’s one of those compromises you make for the person you love, it doesn’t take a lot for me to get used to it and it makes her very happy to do so why not.

    Yeah I guess we hold hands a lot

  3. When I’m dating someone. Daily in the winter and rarely in the summer. Never been shy with PDA myself but I always ask the woman in the beginning to establish boundaries in public.

  4. 22 years together and we hold hands almost every day. If were sitting there watching a movie or tv, we hold hands. A lot of times we hold hands when going to sleep. We’re a couple, so we couple as much as possible.

  5. Only at home. My partner is a man and we’re both almost 50. We’re from a generation where things like holding hands were a big no-no since it likely would attract negative attention or even violence. So we’re accustomed to not showing signs that we’re a couple in any way in public.

  6. We hold hands occasionally in public, not so much at home. I need to make it a point to do it more, because it increases overall connection and intimacy.

  7. I haven’t held hands with my wife in almost 10 years. The last time I tried she laughed/scoffed and said, “What are we, in high school?” That was the last time.

  8. At home on the couch, while driving in the car, walking around the store, across the diner table during dates. Pretty much always.

  9. Very often, sometimes we don’t speak in the car but communicate by squeezing and touching eachothers hands, it can actually be really cute…

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