What is the orangey yellow star in the east of the night sky just now? It’s probably slightly south east. Current time 6pm GMT

I have searched on Google and stargazing websites but could not find an obvious answer.

The star really stands out and is not moving. It does not appear to be a satellite.

  1. Download a sky map app for your phone and point it at the ‘star’.

    This time of year it’s probably Jupiter.

  2. You can download one of the many augmented reality astronomy apps and point it at the sky and find out

  3. Could be Betelgeuse part of the Orion constellation.

    Is there a run of three less bright stars in a close line down and to the right of it?

  4. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are all visible right now in the UK – you’re probably looking at Jupiter as it’s the biggest and brightest.

  5. Mars is pretty much due east right now. Cloudy here in London though. 36 degrees angle according to skyeye

  6. Mars is the orangey tinged one, the opposite side, bright white is Jupiter. Saturn is visible also but not if you’re me.

    I use the skyview app. Its amazing. I saw the space station quite a few months ago with the Augmented Reality tool.

  7. If the brightest object you can see in the sky isn’t the sun or the moon and it’s white, it’s often Jupiter. Orange / yellow and it’s Mars. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are brighter than most stars

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