At this age and time a lot of people has become accustomed to dating apps rather than meeting a friend of a friend. What’s your thoughts on this?

  1. Depends on your age and life experiences. Until last year I was in the ‘fuck marriage’ boat, but shit happened, I reflected on what I want- first found myself, and then found my partner who I believe will be in my life for a very, very long time.

    Long term relationships, if healthy, can be extremely healing. But they take a lot of work, and if you’re not in a stage where you can invest that kind of time, then casual dating is more for you. I’m personally glad to have crossed to the other side though- never been happier.

  2. Three years of dating to Marry and still single. Goes to show how incredibly hard it is to find someone that you want to spend your life with. Everytime i think ive gotten close they give me a reason to walk.

  3. I’m really tired of playing and just having fun. I wasn’t even really having fun in the first place 🤷🏻‍♂️ sex means almost nothing to me anymore. I really just want to spend time with someone and grow old with them, call them mine and show them off lol

  4. Kinda both. Focus on having fun and forming a connection with someone, and ideally just keep on doing that with them for the rest of my life.

  5. Why not both? Not necessarily marriage though but long term permanent committed relationship yes. I could go either way on getting married again

  6. Depends on your age. Younger people don’t want a committed relationship, but them complain when someone they are involved with favors someone else. Older people are set in their single ways, that they don’t want to deal with marriage.

  7. I’d like to date to marry and take things slow, but my feelings could still change over time

  8. I’m dating for fun, but totally open to something serious if the right person comes along. It’s just my last relationship I let myself get into just for the sake of being in a relationship and I’m hoping to avoid that in future.

  9. You say that like dating to eventually marry isn’t fun? Sure, some people definitely approach it like that but IMO doing both is better.

  10. Dating for a long term relationship (not to get married). Open to fun because dating apps are miserable overall and I’d rather have *some* fun than no fun.

  11. Added option : dating seriously without plans to marry. It think this is quite a popular option in younger generations.

  12. Fun, mostly because I never had succes with women and I kinda like kissing and just having girls mouth around my dk, after a long time of not getting any due to be being a not so attractive .

  13. You shouldn’t set your expectations as high as marriage if you’re on apps. It’s a recipe for disappointment. I’ve met a lot of grumpy women that way

    Edit: I’ve already been married and divorced, I’m not interested in doing it all over again

  14. I’m divorced and now in a relationship but the thought of being with someone “forever” again scares me. I don’t know if that’s because he’s the wrong guy or because getting divorced young has screwed my outlook on marriage

  15. I date to find a partner. If it ends up with just fun or a life long relationship all lies to the person I’m on the date. Women who are not worth my time just remain as that. A date.

  16. For marraige. I have no idea how someone could date “for fun.” Dating is inherently unfun, requires a lot of time, effort and planning

  17. I just want to get married, but also have a little fun. That with the right person is worth more than you can ever imagine. Everyone has someone out there. Just have to let it come to you is all. The universe works in many mysterious ways.

  18. Maybe I’m old fashioned for a 24 year old, but my goal has always been to marry. I’ve just always known I wanted a partner to spend my life with. I’m not going to string someone along and lead them on if they’re clearly more interested, they deserve the same love they give reciprocated consistently. If I can see a future with you, though, I’ll stay by your side without a doubt.

  19. When I was looking for a girlfriend, I lowered my expectations from finding my potential wife to having fun dating, keeping marriage as a possibility if things work out, but not putting pressure on myself to immediately figure out if who I’m dating is “the one”.

    As it turned out, the first woman I ever dated had the same philosophy. And, now we’ve been married for 12 years.

  20. I like to say dating with intention vs. dating to marry – because neither marriage (nor kids) are particularly important to me.

    I often find people who are dating with a very specific end goal in sight (marriage, kids) will compromise on who they’re willing to have as a partner in order to achieve their ultimate goal. Ultimately leading to unhappiness and incompatibility.

    I’m mostly dating to find someone I could see myself being with indefinitely, but I don’t view my time as wasted if it doesn’t work out with someone.

  21. I always try to date with intention. Last time I dated for “fun” I lost 10 years of my life.

  22. Like, kinda both?

    I don’t have any interest in hook ups, casual dating or situationships or the like, so my focus is more so on potential long term partners.

    But at the same time I’m absolutely not looking to rush into marriage or anything like that. Just wanna meet some cool people, go out, have some fun, and see if we vibe, y’know?

  23. I think more and more people are becoming disillusioned by the vapid reality of online dating and dating apps, while still being considerably influenced and affected by its effects.

    Not an easy road for our generation. It will be even less so for newer generations.

    I do believe unplugging from the social media matrix is becoming more and more of a pressing matter.

  24. For fun with the idea that it could be forever.

    Basically, I want to date for fun until marriage just becomes the easiest way to be sure we can keep having fun together.

  25. I separated from my soon-to-be-ex-wife 6 months ago. So as much as I ultimately want to find my (next…) life partner, at the moment I am looking to meet new people and have fun. Open to suggestions about how to communicate this with potential matches, if anyone cares to opine.

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