I’m talking to my actual dream guy, and after a few days he asked for my # to text instead of us speaking via Hinge (he said he doesn’t go on Hinge often). He also said he wanted to come visit me in my city but because he’s doing his rotations in medical school he isn’t able to take off weekends.

After a few days of texting, he went silent over the weekend and I had to sadly send a double text on Tuesday. He now sounds a little dry and didn’t respond to anything from the previous text. I also went back on Hinge and saw he updated his profile with a new photo of him in his scrubs. My immediate reaction was to feel pissed off because I’m like, wtf changed? I was SO excited about him and I know I didn’t say anything wrong. Should I just get over him and move onto someone else?

  1. I mean you guys aren’t a thing yet so feel free to play the field. Idk for sure if he is straight not interested anymore but at this stage I wouldn’t get caught up on him.

  2. Unless he’s been very busy the last few days, it doesn’t seem like a good sign that communication has run dry on his end. The fact that he’s updated his photo could mean he’s talking to/looking for other options. Since you barely know him and you haven’t even gone on a date with this guy, I think you should move on.

  3. He’s a ‘dream guy’ because until you meet him, he’s just in your dreams.

    Med students are such a cliche. If they’re studying a full load, there’s no way they’ll have enough time to date. He’s wasting your time at this point. Just delete and move on.

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