I start.

Complaining -> I catch my thoughts sometimes coming up with a imagined scenario and parts of my brain start arguing with each other.

Not giving a fu -> I was a people pleaser. Not anymore

Training freak -> We always trained together, so that is still a daily habit

Rise and Shine -> I get up at 5am every day. Hardwired now, because she did.

Adult Activities -> I’m not gonna elaborate that further. I just say this. We’re not done, when I’m done. We’re done, when she is done and I’m an Egyptian mummy.

Bad and good habits are pretty balanced in my case.

What about you?

  1. My ex-wife was from South Korea and so we used quite a lot of Korean in everyday life. I’ve noticed that even though I’m single now, I still use a lot of Korean words when I talk to myself. For example yesterday I was listening to an American podcast and when they said something exciting, I exclaimed: “daeeee baaakkkk!” which means “cool” or “crazy”. Koreans also constantly state feelings and sensations that are seemingly obvious. For westerners this can come across as both strange and comedic but it’s an important part of the Korean mentality. I’ve noticed that in the beginning of our relationship, I always thought it was really funny-weird when my ex did that but now I do it myself even though she’s not even my partner anymore. For example these days every time I get off the bus I say: “chueo” (which means “it’s cold”) in a grumpy voice, even if the bus ride only lasted for a few minutes lol.

  2. Paranoia, bitch is cheating on me or she’s lying about something.

    Insecurity, damn my best wasn’t good enough…

    Despair, Its going to hurt when she ghosts me.

    Not a call for sympathy because I have fucked up relationships and unsure if I learned anything.

  3. An ex-girlfriend would salute a magpie every time she saw one for good luck. Now I feel uncomfortable if I don’t do it 😂

  4. No real habits, but i guess wariness. The waiting for the other shoe to drop after things have gone too smoothly for too long.

  5. Always being on guard against possible manipulation.

    Ending things as soon as I see the first sign of any behavior that reminds me of bad aspects of an ex.

    General lack of trust. I think ever trusting a woman enough to marry at any point in my life is completely out of the question.

  6. Trying to justify my decisions and mistakes. My now GF doesn’t judge, I’m still confused and it’s been a year.

  7. Apart from some paranoia and distrust from being hurt multiple times, I’ve recently caught myself having little bits of personality traits of my exes stuck to me, some specific wording patterns and other things like that, small enough to not affect me as myself, but sometimes noticeable

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