Me and my wife get along pretty well we have been together for about 11 years I met her in highschool and thats where it pretty much began.

Now onto the story.

My wife has been spending a lot of time at work lately for the past few months. I didn’t think much of it at first because I thought I could trust her and with money being tight for me lately I was pretty grateful for her doing this.

Well anyways my suspicion started when I found a pack of condoms in our bathroom. I knew for a fact they weren’t mine.

I confronted her and she denied doing anything and said I placed them there. I was pretty pissed

Well my suspicion grew when she literally left my birthday dinner and said that she really needs the money.

I recently found out that my boss made her his new secretary from one of her coworkers who im close with to a brief extent.

Im going through hell right now I plan on confronting her how do i go about it though?

  1. You can confront her all you want, but, like with the condoms, she could easily turn it round and attempt to gaslight you, telling you you’re paranoid, etc.

    You can, however, have a conversation with her stating how you’re feeling disconnected, etc. at the moment and see where that leads. Do you have any concrete proof?

  2. I mean you have some pretty big circumstantial evidence but you need to get some solid proof asap and then leave. The proof will likely help your case in court

  3. TBH even if she wasn’t having an affair with your boss, your relationship sounds like it’s in the pits and her doing stuff like walking out of your birthday dinner was very callous and disrespectful.

    I don’t think it takes a betting person to know that your wife is having an affair with her boss. The question is, do you need to prove this before you can leave her? If the answer is “yes” (and you want more proof), then go on her phone as there will likely be evidence on that such as on Apps, hidden folders and general messaging history, etc (and remember to restore recently deleted messages too). Also check her Google Maps history because if she’s cheating, then it’s likely not all solely occurring at the workplace.

    But also remember that you can also just call it quits on a relationship.

    Don’t confront your wife until you know exactly what you’re going to do (how you’re gonna handle things, how you’re gonna do living arrangements and bills if the relationship suddenly implodes, etc) because it will be difficult to manage the situation once it’s broken down.

  4. Without proof, it will just be another argument like the condoms.

    So you need to find proof.

    Take some time off work (finish early or something) and turn up at her work when she’s supposed to be working late. If her car isn’t there then you have your first piece. Find out where her boss lives, as you can also check there for her car.

    Check her pay slips, if she’s actually working she will be being paid for her time, it’s very unlikely that her boss is paying her for her time while she fucks him. But if this turns out to be the case, then you can use the prostitution when you file for divorce.

    Snoop through her phone, check all the apps, and email for correspondence.

    Get an AirTag and put it in her purse, then you will have location data on her every move.

    Just remember that if on the off chance she’s actually not cheating on you, if she finds out, you will have ended your relationship, so be as sure as possible before you start down the path of no return.

  5. Hire a PI or get into her phone. Confront without solid proof is dumb. Now she knows you are on to her.

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