I (22F) was cheated on by my (now ex) gf (21F) three weeks ago. She’s already been moving on and hooked up with someone last night. She and I dated for 4 years and I loved her so intensely that this break up has me absolutely devastated. We’ve stayed friends but it still needles at me all day long, and I kind of I’m just wondering if anyone has advice for how to move forward from this shit and stop feeling so hurt that I wasn’t enough, that she already moved on, etc. She was the person i gave everything to, and this is just the worlds shittiest feeling. I don’t really know how to stop the thoughts or this awful feeling that I’ll never trust again.

Tldr; got cheated on, need some advice for how to move forward

  1. for me after i got cheated on by my now ex fiancee i had to go full no contact and never see her again to heal and get over it. i needed years and a lot of space to slowly put the pieces back together. its a hard thing to have happen to you. i am really sorry.

  2. The truth about cheating has to do with both parties, as much as people objectively villainize the other party. But also, sometimes, absolutely yes, it’s them and self esteem issues/depression. You should always take time to reflect on the situation, yourself and otherwise.


    However, your value should never come from another person. I just found out a week ago my boyfriend was cheating me, and while yes, it has created some insecurity, it has also made me more confident in the fact that regardless of the situation, I am more than their actions as well as I am confident that I don’t deserve that treatment and they should have just left.




    Breakups are worst, especially when cheating leaves you feeling less than you are.


    But right now is the best time to find out who you actually are and be happy with that as well as defining what you really need from a partner. Don’t be fooled by the happy moments, take a deep look at the last 4 years and decide what you want to take from it. It’s redundant, but take the time to focus on yourself.

  3. why do u even know she hooked up with someone last night? remove her from social media and stop talking to her

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