Let’s be real about something for a minute, STOP TRYING TO CHANGE PEOPLE!!!

Look, we all have an idea of what that perfect person is, who we want as far as height, weight, eye color, hair color, attitude, personality, etc, etc, etc.

Truth is, too many of us are staying in relationships because we hope that our partners will become a version of themselves that we find acceptable. For the love of everything holy on this planet…fucking stop!

Ready for some knowledge???

People don’t change unless they want to, so if they aren’t changing its because they don’t see a reason to. Instead of focusing on the flaws (or your belief in flaws) in your partner, find things about yourself you would like to improve, and either they will follow suit, or you will outgrow them!

  1. Super real advice, although I think there’s a bit of discrepancy to be had here. Certain things or flaws aren’t really part of someone’s personality, they’re just habits or issues they live with. Being severely overweight or addicted to drugs is generally bad for you, and neither are personality traits. Trying to help / push that person to change is going to be hard no matter what, because situations like that are extremely mentally challenging to get your way out of, and a lot of people will never change unless they’re pushed hard by people that care about them.

    So like, I agree don’t try to change someone’s personality, but also recognize personality vs bad habits / problems

  2. Also, don’t go out of your way to change yourself for someone else unless it’s really for the better. Don’t let go of what makes you happy — time with your friends, hobbies that you’re passionate about, etc.

  3. On the other hand, if you’re not receptive to change, you’re no longer growing.

    That’s not a judgement.

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