I (18f) started touching myself at the age of 13/14. It was kinda accidental when I had my first orgasm. I was wearing a very tight jeans and the middle part of the jeans did something to me down there and it felt good. When I was 8 I started watching porn out of curiosity, then at the age of 13 I came across the porn category ” masturbation ” and I watched those videos whenever I got the time to do so. One night when I was sleeping alone I tried to do it and I successfully did it. I got so addicted to it and kept doing it over the years, not a regular basis though. I stopped watching porn completely and when I somehow come across one, I don‘t feel anything. I don’t even get aroused these days when I watch porn etc and I have a feeling that this is affecting my sexual health or some?

  1. Yes, porn can and does affect your life.
    Especially when you start so early. (human brain evolves till 25, it’s not too late)
    As with any other stimuli (or medicaments, antibiotics, etc), the more you use it, the more resistant your body becomes and you’ll eventually need more to achieve the same effect.

    Stop watching porn and use your own imagination instead.

  2. You’re libido waxes and wanes throughout your life especially when you’re going through periods of high stress. You’re 18, so you’re probably stressed out in your last year of high school or first year of university. It can be normal for your sexual interests to change, especially as you’re at an age where your brain is growing a lot.

  3. Were you inserting fingers (or a toy or other item) when you first started masturbating? Porn shows a lot of that but for a lot of women it doesn’t feel all that good.

    Also, do you get turned on by anything now?

  4. I don’t think watching porn would kill your whole sex drive. Some people say it makes it so they have to look at specific content to get off, but I don’t see how it would stop you from being turned on at all.

    When you say that one night you “successfully did it,” what were you trying to do? Copy something you saw in porn? Had you been trying for a while?

  5. I don’t think it’s too early. I started masturbating when I was younger than that. When I was 14/15 I watched lots of porn too, mostly hentai. Then when I was maybe 17/18 I read more erotica.

    It never affected my libido. I still watch porn occasionally now at 31. But it’s never affected my sexual relationships with others.

    Maybe you’re just going through a phase where you aren’t so focused on sexual exploration. It comes and goes for many.

  6. There’s no right or wrong age to start sexually experimenting with your own body. In fact lots of kids touch themselves out of curiosity and pleasure and experimentation without knowing or realising what they’re doing. Porn can definitely be damaging at a young age though but regularly masturbating at 13+ is honestly completely normal

  7. You’re still very young. Your libido can be affected by lots of things. If you’re really concerned you could seek out counselling or a sex therapist who would know how to get to the root cause and help you figure out what you want.
    Edit: fixed typos

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