LMFAOOOOO I feel attacked after posting this. I haven’t been in a relationship in over 6 months, I was genuinely asking for myself. I’m feeling this female, I just wanted to see what Reddit had to say 😂 thanks everyone for the input!

  1. There is no such thing as the one. Men can be happy with a lot of women. We have very few requirements from them. Sex, food and Silence. Not necessarily in that order.

  2. When she hits the “home” button just as the post credit scene begins… and you don’t throw the TV at her.

  3. You’ll just know, she’ll listen to you, but say her peice too. A stern & sweet Woman is a dream. You don’t have to worry about them.

  4. The best way to tell if she’s “the one” or not is by spending time with her and seeing how much she enjoys your company; not by testing her with “when are we getting engaged/married” questions or any other questions like that… Those are the things that you can look for when it comes to marriage. I don’t even know how many times I’ve heard, “I didn’t understand how serious he/she was about me until we got engaged/married.”

  5. When you don’t have to ask the internet if she’s “the one”. Don’t overcomplicate love.

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