So I love my boyfriend and we are the same page about marriage in the future but his mother makes me worried she is gonna end up being “that mother inlaw”.

During Covid she had to move into a two bedroom apartment with my boyfriend but luckily she’s moving out this spring because I don’t think I could stand her around much more when I’m there.

She is ridiculously controlling and constantly treats my boyfriend like a child, I literally witnessed her start argument with him over how to make boxed mac and cheese.

She acts like I’m not there often and sometimes will talk only to my boyfriend. She also has never really asked me anything about myself and what she knows about me if from what we have told her.

I’ve tried to get to know her but I can’t seem to win with her. The other night we were gonna play Monoaply and invited her to play with us.
She ended up taking it super seriously and I found out later she refuses to play it with me ever again cause I guess according to her, I act really arrogant when I play. I’m guessing it’s more she is a sore loser because I won because I honestly didn’t even play that hard and held back on how I play.
I mean it’s just a board game.

The worst thing happened today on Easter.
So we had been planning on celebrating it with my family for a couple weeks and my boyfriend accidentally forgot to tell his mom until last night she asked when he wanted to eat today.
I’ll mention I was never included in this despite sitting right next to my boyfriend aka I wasn’t invited.

Well she was clearly upset but we figured she would let it go until during our Easter lunch at my family’s place when his little sister started blowing up his phone. Apparently his mom had called her and made this huge fuss about how she’s all alone or something. It was so stupid and it wasn’t like his mom had this huge Easter celebration planned out, she just was gonna throw a ham in the oven then watch TV. Something my boyfriend finds incredibly boring because she won’t even talk to him most of the time anyway, would rather play on her phone.
I’m glad I was able to give my boyfriend a funner Easter instead but I am worried about the future with his mom. Her behavior is starting to drive me up the wall.

Anyone know how to fix this or at least deal with her?
Tl;Dr My boyfriend’s mother is being very difficult and I don’t know what to do about her.

  1. You bf needs to grow up and set some hard boundaries with her. Yeesh. He must still be a child somewhere deep in there I’m assuming this is not the only problem it never is.

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