What is something your parent has done or said that will always be stuck with you?

  1. My dad would tilt his right hand up on the steering wheel to see the speedometer every like 15 minutes and now I cant stop doing it.

  2. Called me fat and stupid as a child now that I have a good career and skinny do you think you think he said good job or you look good? Nope lol

  3. I walked into the living room to find my parents and sister threatening to kill me once. My dad even mentioned how he easily could have if he tried. To this day I still ask myself what would happen if I called the cops.

  4. “The only thing you need to figure out is that you don’t need to have everything figured out.”

  5. My mom accused me of something I didn’t do , she beat the crap out of me even though I said I didn’t do it but she didn’t trust me and kept saying she’s having a terrorist at home (This happened when I was 15).

  6. When I was 11 my dad had my cat put down….her mind had snapped and it was honestly the best thing for her but at 11 I didn’t think that way.

    Well as dad told me I got emotional cause….I’m 11. My dad started screaming at me that I better not call him a murderer.

    …..growing up with a crippled father who had severe undiagnosed PTSD was….not always fun.

  7. Abandonment. Do it yourself. Do everything alone. Being albe to help does not mean being willing to help. One of the reasons I am 20 and never had a romantic partner. What for? They will either betrayl or leave me anyways

  8. I went to an all-you-can-eat buffet with her one time. I was a teenager. I paid for myself because I could and enjoyed a full plate of food. Then, because why not, I went and got a second plate. After finishing that, I got sick… Obviously. When my mom asked me why I had done that to myself, I told her I wanted to get my moneys worth.

    She said “Well… Now you’re out the $12, AND you have a stomach ache“.

    The lesson of that stuck with me and I’ve been able to apply it in several areas.

  9. “You are just acting” and “I bet you deserved it”. Will probably remember it forever even though I would say it doesn’t hurt me anymore. Maybe when my mother is dead I will finally forget it. She said it approx 23 years ago, in my childhood years.

  10. Always wondered what my dad’s problem was growing up. Then I did a deep dive into narcissism. Holy freak!!!! Dude is 100% grade A clinical narcissist. The best way I can describe him is he is the true living personification of season 1 Michael Scott and what’s hilariously ironic, he cannot stand that show. I guess it’s hard looking in the mirror. But as for the original point of the OP….I think it’s a compilation of all his narcissistic behavior over the years. And it’s pretty rough when you’re 13 or 13 and having to be the adult and certain circumstances.

  11. “Never start a fight, but always finish it. Even if you get your ass beat, finish that fight. Only cowards run away and the only thing coward accomplish by running is dying tired.”

  12. Every year, as you get older, goes by quicker! I thought he was exaggerating, but now I see he was telling the truth!

  13. Not a single thing in particular but the pressure to do well at school was just insane for a literal child. I was barely allowed to be a kid. My mom would randomly come into my room to check if I was really studying, make passive-aggressive remarks if she felt like I hadn’t been studying for the appropriate amount of time, and constantly berate my grades if I didn’t get an A

    It got to the point where I cried at school whenever I got a B or even a B+, which are great, because I knew my mom would be disappointed

  14. My dad told me all about why unions are so important. He said, “The death of the Worker’s Union will be the death of the middle class. They want slaves and the only thing standing in their way is unions fighting back.”

  15. 17 years old, messing around in the winter and put my truck into a telephone pole. Limped it home and when my parents saw the damage they had very different reactions. My mom was furious and my dad was very calm. She was ready to read me the riot act and my dad stopped her. He said, “he fucked up, but nobody is hurt. The truck can be repaired, and he’s the one who has to fix it.” Then he told me to pull it into the garage. Spent the next two weeks pulling it apart and fixing it. He taught me how to repair everything and made me do all the work. The man has never raised his voice to me and has always used mistakes as an opportunity to teach rather than punish.

  16. My mom once told me that she wished that I wasn’t born and she would have been fine if my little brother was the third and final kid.

  17. Father told me, “I wasn’t his son.” In retaliation for me telling him he could no longer visit with my siblings without my supervision.

    We spoke once more when I answered the phone and he asked to speak to my sister, before he got serious brain damage.

    Took 2 things away from that:

    1. Be careful what you say, it might be the last thing they ever hear from you.

    2. Be careful what you do. It’s been over 20 years, and I’m still finding out how much of a piece of shit that man was.

  18. I never saw my father cry or shed tears.

    We got adopted by a cat and my father forced me to drive it to the local RSPCA to drop it off.

    When i asked him the next day why he didn’t do it he said that he would not have been able to.

  19. Many things my stepdad has done. What kinds of things? Let’s run through the highlights:

    • Dropped me onto a toy chest after holding me up by my shirt collar when I was in like 5th Grade.

    • Chipped one of my teeth while I was cleaning because he threw a temper tantrum. I willingly swallowed my pride and fibbed when my dentist asked what happened to my tooth.

    • Knocked my face onto a glass table over how I was teaching my sister to do math.

    • Knocked me onto a wooden floor with an unintended hostile tone towards my sister.

    • Saying at one point that he’ll never ask for help from me.

    • Constantly putting me down and micromanaging everything I do.

    • Saying, and I quote, “Don’t ever fucking question me again”.

    • Acting like he’s God and treating me like shit…just because he owns the house and pays the bills while I don’t…before I even turned 17!

    • Struck my mom because she was being insensitive to him when he wasn’t having a mentally healthy day…and tries to pretend like it didn’t happen.

    • Shoved dried orange slices down my (good-for-nothing) brother’s throat because he got frustrated with his filthy habits that he never fixes, and then goes a step further and blames my brother for his marriage being fragile. I can’t stand my brother and wouldn’t miss him if he died or got kidnapped, and even I thought my stepdad went too far.

    I ANTICIPATE the day where I can give him 13+ years worth of karma and tell him, to his face, “You’re the worst fucking man I have ever met in my life. I’m happy with everything I gained from having you in my life…but that doesn’t mean I cherish you or care about you after all the crap you put me through.”

  20. “No one will ever extend their hand to help you out, got to help yourself”

    20 years later, my Mom wasn’t lying at all.

  21. when i told my mom that i wanted to kill myself she went into a tirade about how hard her life was


    ever since then i’ve known she doesnt care about me emotionally or mentally which sucks cause i was already very certain of it after all the emotional blackmailing but that was the final nail in the coffin


    what really sucks is she’s all i fucking have cause my dad died

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