I (25M) have now caught her (??F) looking at me smiling several times. It doenst make me uncomfortable, i think she is really cute and really sweet from when ive talked to her but I dont ever want to get my income/work and love life intertwined. She even gave me a little christmas gift today(not just me exclusively but i still thought it was a little out of the blue cause i dont talk to her a lot and we dont work in the same room)

The thing is that i have found myself to be attracted to her too, it’s just my morals of not messing up the workplace that have me really conflicted. Like she seems like shes everything i could want, but i also would never want something like that to interfere with my job. Its kinda starting to drive me crazy.

  1. She might really think you are a cool person and wants to get to know you a little bit more. As a female, I wouldn’t get someone a Christmas gift for no reason. There is nothing wrong with becoming friends with people of the opposite sex! Maybe get to know her and see how it goes.

    Coming from a woman, there are guys that I just want to be just friends with. Guys take my kindness for flirtation when in reality, I think they are a cool person or friend. Try to remove that expectation of a romantic relationship and try to build a friendship. You could be stressing about a girl when you have no intention of being with.

  2. She even gave you a christmas prezo???

    Bruh how many more hints do you want her to give you before you come up and talk to her lmao 😂

    But I get it tho I wouldve done the same if I were you. Easier to observe reality from a third person view.

  3. Don’t date coworkers. I know it sounds tempting, but in the case that she’s got a dark side she could really screw you through HR. I don’t like thinking about the worst case but imagine you date and then break up. If she’s petty enough she could pin you with something awful and mess with your life.

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