I met a man in an international chat room two weeks ago, he’s a 34 year old man from Belgrade Serbia, Serbia is not in the European Union, and it’s not in the Schengen zone, and it’s a poor Eastern European country, where they earn 300 euros per month on average, and where the rent is also 300 euros per month on average, so he started messaging me in Serbian, I told him, I can only speak English, because I’m from Paris France, so then we started talking in English, we eventually got each other’s Viber phone number, we spoke for 7 hours on the phone that day, and during the two weeks that followed, we would spend 10 hours talking on the phone each day, so the first red flag for me, is

#1 During the first day, when he called me his wife, and would like to marry me, have children with me, when I told him it was way too soon to talk about that, and that we didn’t know each other, he answered that he was just joking.

#2 He would regularly talk about the money, and insist and push until I’d answer his questions, even though, I’d tell him I didn’t want to discuss money and visa matters with him, or have him joke about it with me, he’d ask me how much money I earned per month, what kind of job I had, how much my house costed, how much my shoes, clothes, perfume costed etc, he told me he didn’t like the fact I didn’t like to share my money, such as paying for my friends food, or drinks, that he felt I was cold, cheap, selfish, cruel, because he’d do it for his friends, and that it was a problem that I needed to change. I told him to stop asking these questions, as I find them to be very impersonal, and that those matters were none of anyone else’s concerns, he also asked me if he could stay for free at my place, in Paris France just to visit me, I told him no, that I’d rent an appartment in Belgrade Serbia and visit him there.

3# He would regularly talk about the visa, asking me how did Black people and Arab people in France got a visa? Asking me how much the average salary was in France, and if there were social help available, and how much social help was giving people, he said that he’d watch 90 day fiance, and discuss it with me, asking me for example if the foreigner eventually got the green card, telling me that he knows a rich Serbian woman who lived in France, and who went to visit Serbia, and married a poor Serbian man from there, got him papers, brought him over to France, they now have 2 children together, he also told me that he knew about a rich Serbian man who lived in Australia, who married a poor Serbian woman who lived in Serbia, and brought her over to Australia, he also told me that his neighbor worked and lived in France, he told me his own sister got in a relationship with a Serbian man living in Germany.

4# He’d regularly joke about the visa, for example telling me that he wants to marry me for a green card, bring him to France, so that then he could work in Germany, or work in Italy, but that I should not worry, because he would not leave me anyway, he also told me he’d want to marry one of my friends for the green card just to be able to stay with me in France, telling me that if I offered him a green card, he wouldn’t refuse, asking me to pay for him and me vacations to Bora Bora, Belize, the Maldives etc, he also asked about my American female friend, how I met her, if I still talk to her etc, telling me he wishes I earned 4000 dollars per month, and lived in a 4000 dollars appartment, that he wishes I had a car, he wishes I was his sugar mama, or that he found another sugar mama, but then he’d also say that it’s a joke.

5# He’d push to meet me as soon as possible in his country Belgrade Serbia, when he thought I’d be the one paying for the rent of course, because he told me that I’d pay for the rent, and he’d buy the food, I asked him to pay half the rent with me, because I couldn’t afford it alone, and that I’d pay for my own food, and that he’d pay for his own food, and I told him that if he wanted to meet me as soon as possible, I couldn’t do it because I didn’t have money, that he’d need to wait for next month when I get paid, until May 6, so 3 more weeks, I told him we only spoke for 2 weeks, and that we had just met, that we had not spoken for that long, and that he could wait, he told me he couldn’t wait, because he wanted to see me as soon as possible, because we had a great connection, a unique, rare, forbidden crazy love, that he loved me so much, that he wanted to stay with me forever, that he missed me, that he needed me, I told him if he wanted to meet me as soon as possible and couldn’t wait, then he’d need to pay for the first 2 weeks rent, and that I’d pay for the 2 other weeks rent, once I get my money on May 6th, at first, he accepted, and booked an appartment for 2 weeks in Belgrade Serbia, but then he started telling me that we needed to wait, that he didn’t have money, that we can just talk online for several weeks until then, he then started telling me that he just couldn’t trust me, that he felt I was hiding things from him, so he didn’t want to meet me in person yet in his country, and commit to living with me for 1 month together in Belgrade Serbia, the reason why he said he couldn’t trust me supposedly is because he asked for me to turn my webcam on immediately when he asked, because he claimed he wanted to see my hair, my new haircut and hair color, even though I had already sent him pictures of it, and that he wanted to see my face on webcam, even though we had already had video calls several times before, I told him I couldn’t show myself on webcam right now, because my family was there visiting me, and put all their clothes, shoes, food, drinks, mattresses on the floor, and that I didn’t want him to see the mess, and the people sleeping there, but I told him that I could show myself on webcam later on, so I didn’t refuse, he then ended up telling me that he’s not going to book the appartment, because he can’t trust me because of this reason period, he then ended up saying he lost the connection we had, that I was not his type of woman anymore, that we don’t have a future together, that we can’t be in a serious relationship, that at best, we could just be friends with benefits, have sex, have fun, laugh, smile, talk, but nothing else and nothing more, he ended up blocking me and deleting me everywhere such as Facebook, Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp, and he didn’t speak to me again since then.

  1. Yeah he sounds like he was just gonna use you and lose you as soon as he gets what he wants.

    So bullet dodged I guess!

  2. honestly I didn’t read all your post, only the first phrase of each paragraph. They are all redflags, but not just for relationships: He is clearly acting like he is scamming you. Run before it’s too late

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