So I (14M) really like one of my female best friends (14F). I’ve liked her (and I mean *realllly* liked her) for a while now. She makes me feel like ecstasy and I love every minute I spend with her. The only problem is, I’m not sure if she likes me back. I’ve seen what I *think* is flirting from her like her saying something like “I hate most people, I like you though” but she says that to most of our mutual friends too. She also hugs me a lot throughout the day but she hugs like 3 other people too. She holds my hand a lot while walking up hills and she falls over a lot, some of my friends think she’s doing it on purpose. Idk why I keep disproving stuff. I want to ask her out and potentially start something (if she *does* feel the same) but if she doesn’t then I’d risk losing the friendship we already have and at this moment in time, that’s the most important thing to me. I don’t want to risk losing the friendship but I also don’t want to risk losing a potential relationship with the one person that makes me feel truly happy. I feel like I can’t just sit on it and wait for something to happen. I think most of my friends that I haven’t told already know I like her, I’ve only *told* one. We’re off school for now as it’s the Christmas holiday break and at this moment she doesn’t own a phone (it’s a really long story, basically her parents are the biggest pieces of shit I know) but apparently she’ll be getting one for Christmas. I don’t trust it though as we all know that her dad is going to install some sort of tracking thing where he gets a copy of every text she’s sent. So texting isn’t an option and I can’t really see her till January.

Just need some advice on either how to tell her or how to deal with the outcome, no matter what it is.

1 comment
  1. if you think you’ll be happier with her knowing and it’s killing you not telling her i’d say go for it! i mean either way if she likes you back you’ll be ecstatic and if she says no you’ll find someone down the line who will. But seriously why miss this opportunity if you believe she likes you, so good luck!!

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