Would you ever consider a polyamorous relationship? Why? If you’re in one, what attracts you to it?

  1. I wouldn’t because I‘m not polyamorous (or think so), and definitely want someone who‘s all over me just like I‘m all over them.

    But I understand polyamorous relationships and think it‘s nice when it works for those people.

  2. I could see myself being in a polyamorous relationship if I found myself attracted to more than one person and felt like I could handle the emotional complexities that come with managing multiple relationships. What attracts me to the idea of polyamory is the increased level of communication and intimacy that is required to make it work successfully.

  3. I’m poly and have been in one before. I’m not a jealous person, so as long as my partner is honest and safe, I don’t really care. Cuddling is so much better with three people, too. And just because I’m poly doesn’t mean I can’t be monogamous. It just comes down to respecting your partner and their wishes.

  4. Nope. I don’t believe that you can be in love with more than 1 person at one time. I also want children and polyamory is unhealthy for them to grow up around.

  5. Ever since my ex tricked/forced me into one, I have my reasons to want to stay away from that.

  6. No. I could never trust my partners’ partners.
    It would no longer be about trusting him, it would be about trusting who he gets with too.

    I am not the jealous type, but I am someone who takes a lot of time to trust someone relationship wise. I would not trust someone with my feelings if theirs can go everywhere anyday. I know too well how dumb we can get when in love and it looks very complicated to manage because it requires a lot of communication and people are not good at it. Seriously.

    All the people I know in those types of relationships seem to have a set of rules and boundaries that one partner like more than the other and it causes a lot of drama over very basic things. Too many tags to attach yourself to for something that is already messy at times when involving only two people. 😅

  7. Sure, as long as everyone is happy with it and emotionally honest with themselves and the other people in the relationship.

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