So I had 3 weeks without seeing him due to his job, we live together and have 2 babies. Since he got here three days ago we’ve done it once. Last night he didn’t even initiate and we had already agreed to doing it because I didn’t orgasm the first night. Today it’s 30 degrees outside and he was going for a curbside order and he decided to shower in the morning. I heard he wasn’t showering since you can tell the way the water hears and I knocked and asked him I needed toilet paper and he said he was already showering and I heard him put the phone down to get into the shower. I get it, maybe he woke up horny and we couldn’t have morning sex. But, we haven’t seen each other in 3 weeks. Why couldn’t he wait if he “was” jerking off. He’s told me he doesn’t watch porn but I doubt it.
I feel like a paranoid gf but god this gives me anxiety to think he might have an addiction doing that.

  1. You could jerk him off. Maybe he likes the feeling of a hand making him cum, a lot of my exs loved handjobs🤷

  2. there is a common misconception that masturbation and partnered sex are the same thing or could be swapped out for one another. They are different animals.

    People rub one out because it’s easy and something they can do for themselves. It’s like someone who makes a simple lunch for themselves: they know what they like, they can do it quickly, they don’t have to worry about what anyone else wants to eat.

    Partnered sex is awesome on many levels but it requires a different level of energy and attention. It’s like making a meal with someone else. They’re simply not the same thing.

    The main issue you have isn’t his masturbation habits, it’s that you two aren’t having as much sex as you’d like. After all, let’s says he never jerked off. Would you feel better about your situation? Probably not.

    So keep the focus on where it is: how can the two of you share a sex life that both of you find fulfilling?

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