I(F22) have been talking with this guy (M29) for about 2 months. Both of us admitted feelings and were getting to the point of possibly dating and then all of a sudden he stopped answering or texting me all together. I noticed today that he unmatched with me. I just don’t know what happened and feel like I deserve at least a reason. The last time I saw him he told me he wanted me to meet his parents and I was genuinely excited, looking forward to it. I deleted dating apps after seeing him that last time. So what did I do? What do I do? Should I message him and ask what happened or just accept and call it a day.

  1. He lost interest and you got ghosted. That’s the usual turn out for these apps. They arent designed to find your perfect match and try to keep you on the app as long as they can. My advice get out there and something social relating to your hobbies or interests. Also you are 22 there is plenty of more heartbreak to come until you find the one. Don’t give up, it’s part of the journey.

  2. I’m sorry you experienced this. Nothing seems stable to me when it is online, I learned it the hard way 24M and sick of online dating apps). Don’t overmessage him. If he is already not responding to your recent messages, don’t bother asking

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