I’ve always been one to remove someone on Instagram if a date doesn’t go well or if I’ve lost interest in them and never see myself contacting them again. I see no point in having them orbit my social media and vice versa. I know people who keep all their prior conquests in their social media, why do people do this?

Got involved with this girl and after our first date, I had absolutely no interest in pursuing her further and I just didn’t see a point in keeping her in my social media. She took this very personally and said I could have just muted her if I didn’t want to see her stuff but I didn’t see a point in that either.

  1. To each their own. I usually reciprocate behavior. If you unfollow me, I’ll unfollow you. If you follow me, I’ll follow you. If I don’t want to see your stuff, I’ll simply mute you.

  2. I don’t feel the need to shut down avenues of communication with someone just because I’m no longer dating them provided that the relationship wasn’t abusive. I’m not gonna feel compelled to reach back out or stalk your socials, or treat you being friendly towards me as you trying to turn me into an orbiter.

  3. I’ll unfollow/remove them as a follower if they ghost me on instagram but that’s about it.

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