Hey, I’ve been talking/seeing this girl for a month now, I have been taking it very easy with this girl. Because she was very open to me and told me about her social anxiety/austism and her past BAD experience with dating/relationships and men in general (really not good) So i’ve been as considerate as i possible can and have said multiple times that if i ever do/say something she doesn’t like she just need to speak up. I even applogized for being ‘pushy’ in the beginning when she told me the personal stories, which she responded to that i was not at all and she likes talking to me and is comfortable around me. Which i replied to that if there ever is something that she doesn’t like she just has to say it and i’ll try to keep an eye out / watch it.

2 days ago i saw her across the class (university) and i just noticed that she wasn’t feeling well, so after class (we always walk together to car ever since we met month ago and have been talking everyday), i just went up to her as i normally would and asked what’s up, but she wasn’t slowing down/looking at me and just kept walking but did respond ‘Im going home’So i was very confusing and it was a weird situation to begin with so i just asked if everything was alright, so she kept walking again, she kept replying but couldn’t hear her well enough cuz she was walking ahead of me, so i touched her shoulder and said ‘Hey what is wrong everything alright?’ which she responded to but wasn’t related to my question, so i just was so confused by the whole thing and said ‘Alright i’ll leave you alone’ and she went away. So i just gave her space and didn’t bother her anymore. Yesterday she texted me ‘You scared me yesterday, so I’d like you to leave me alone.’ Which i responded to with lots of confusion and explained my side (That i wanted to be there for her, because i saw that she wasn’t feeling well etc) Which she responded to ‘I think you come across as pushy. The way you stopped me yesterday when I said I wanted to go home just scared me.’ I’d appreciate it if you left me alone because you’re just making me very uncomfortable.’ Which i replied to that it wasn’t my intention at all and that she knows that, that we’ve talked about it a lot that she just has to say it if she doesn’t like something and that she said i wasn’t pushy etc before. After that she said ‘I said before that I’m afraid of men and yet you have to stop me’ Which i replied to that i shouldn’t have done that but that it just happened because i was just really confused by the whole thing and wanted to be there for her and couldn’t hear her properly. I also told her that it is absolutely not my intention to make her uncomfortable or afraid and ofcourse apologize for it and said that it all was in good faith, but that i also make mistakes and that i’m not perfect and i said i wouldn’t do it again. Which she then responded to with ‘I would appreciate you just leaving me alone’ So i just said my last peace and said that i’ll do that and she blocked me…

Like what happened here? Did i really do something that bad to break all contact just like that or is she just dealing with her personal issues.

1 comment
  1. Seems like she is going trough a lot. It’s nice if you want to help, but if she doesn’t want your presence/help, you need to back off. You can’t help someone that doesn’t want your help, even if it is on good faith. If she comes around, or changes her mind about you, she may te-contact you. If not, I advise you move along.

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