I 26F have been dating my boyfriend 28M for about 2.5 years. We’ve had lots of ups and downs but he has a wonderful heart. Recently I’ve had to take a break from driving for safety reasons due to my epilepsy. We do not live together and live a little less than 20mins away from one another. He’s expressed concerns saying driving is causing strain and stress with all the added time with his new job being farther away from his home and one that requires him to drive, gas money, and just general exhaustion. He also has extreme anxiety driving at night saying he feels like he can barely see (not clinical night blindness, though). He’s mentioned recently he wants to cut back seeing me due to all this extra driving time since I can’t drive to him now because of my disability. We only see each other weekdays max twice a week and then once on the weekends. With the holidays and my birthday this month too there have been lots more outings that extended past sundown, which normally he leaves before then (which, mind you, is extremely difficult and short hangs since it’s like 5pm). He recently said right after a birthday date for me that that was the last hang into the evening he could manage for a while for his nighttime driving anxiety. That really hurt my feelings because I felt like he just completely put a cap on seeing me past 5pm for god knows how long and with the holidays. I am trying to be empathetic, but we honestly barely go out with my health as it is, and it’s so difficult to get home before the sun goes down at 5pm. I’m just not sure what to do and it makes me feel like such a disabled bother to him. It’s challenging for me too because I truly do rely on him as someone who can’t drive themselves. I have offered to pay gay money and take Ubers but he didn’t want either of those things… I’d love any advice or outside perspectives!

Tl;dr I can’t drive because my disability and my bf is getting more tired and anxious of driving all the time

1 comment
  1. If you are offering ubers, why not you uber to him sometimes? Other than that, you need to respect that you both have health issues that make driving a problem, and that just is the way it is. Long term, you should try to plan for how to live in an area with good public transportation, so you will both be less reliant on the need to drive.

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