TLDR: Jealous of gf constantly talking to guys on socials and making plans with them.

My (25M) gf (25F) is constantly on the phone and as a result very socially active. Her snapchat and instagram DMs are filled with guys complimenting her and flirting with her. Basically she ends up making a lot of guy friends who always ask her to meet over coffee or hangout to play games which I can’t stop my gf from going to as that would mean I’m stopping her from meeting her friends.

She often mentions that so and so guy is so nice and good to talk to, that she had the most interesting conversations with some guy. I don’t know if she tells me this just to share or to make me feel jealous. I trust her to not cheat on me but obviously this makes me a little jealous.

I can’t compete with these new guys everyday, I can’t have an interesting topic regularly after dating for 2 years, we know almost everything about each other. So I understand it’s natural for her to have more fun talking to new people more than me and my regular life stories.

Sometimes I do notice it even when we text that she’s online and replying to someone else before getting back to our conversation.

Every other aspect is super good, we have a great time when we’re together. It’s a ME problem and I’ve obviously not brought it up because I don’t wanna appear jealous or as a controlling person.

  1. Tell her that you don’t feel like you are equal partners. If she would rather have a collection of men to focus her attention on than a life partner then it’s not fair to you.

  2. Yeah those aren’t friends. And your GF is complacent so this isn’t just a you problem. I’d talk to her about this.

  3. These guys are trying to get with her man. Does she acknowledge this?

    Guy friends are one thing, guys waiting in the wings for you to slip is a whole other thing. I wouldn’t put up with it if I were you

  4. Personally, I’d leave and never look back. But if you want to have a little fun, do this:

    Talk to other women on socials and make plans with them in front of her. 

    Tell her how nice they are, how interesting they are to talk to.

    Go out and have coffee and play games with them.

    Or don’t…either way, you’re dealing with a person who doesn’t give a shit about your feelings and is a possible narcissist. Do you really see a future with someone who’s making plans with other dudes right in front of you???

    Just politely leave and don’t look back. If she asks why, say you have too much self-respect to stay.

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