So I’ve been talking to this guy since September. We’re both currently home from university (in different states) for winter break. We tried to see each other before we left but it didn’t work out. By this, I mean he couldn’t hang when I wanted to and I couldn’t hang when he wanted to (refer to my last post for more background). We haven’t talked since break started and our last conversation ended with me sending the last message.


I posted a thirst trap on Monday night because I knew it would get his attention. Wednesday night, he posted a photo of him at a bar with 2 girls (friends) captioned “the boys.” This post was bizzare because he never posts things like this. I didn’t view the post until the next day and later that day when I went to show my friend, we saw he deleted it before it expired. In other words, he deleted it sometime after I viewed it.


Is he trying to make me jealous through that photo ? It felt very calculated towards me…give me your thoughts

TLDR: He posted a pic of him with some girl friends captioned “the boys” and deleted it the next day after I viewed it

1 comment
  1. It’s entirely possible that it’s not about you at all.

    It’s just as likely that he posted it because he was feeling silly, then when you saw it realized it could be misinterpreted and deleted it because of that.

    In any event, don’t make yourself crazy.

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