What are your thoughts if your fiancé decides to have Prenup agreement stating he won’t share his earned assets incase of Divorce?

  1. Well I also have assets i want to protect, so I don’t see a problem. I think it really depends on the person though. Sometimes both sides have assets that need to be protected. Sometimes only one side does.

  2. Don’t see anything wrong if a woman or man wants to do this. Love is great and all but divorces can be messy. I personally would take it as a massive 🚩 flag if my partner had a problem with this.

    As the relationship grows, I will naturally want to give my S/O assets under her name and make sure that in the event that anything happened to me, she could look after herself. Especially if we have built something together.

    If I’ve made this money before u, u shouldn’t be entitled to shit just cuz I put a ring on that finger. This is a mutually beneficial agreement. My assets, and your assets are exactly that. MINE, then YOURS. Our assets that we build over the relationship (or u help me built) are exactly that. OURS. Simple.

    Whatever u decide to do, good luck anyway

  3. LOL okay honey, but I make like twice as much as you, and the house and cars are in my name.

  4. My philosophy is protection of what we both have prior to our relationship. Everything done together is split. I think it’s fair

  5. I think it depends on the situation.

    What do you have to protect like Frequent_Lychee said? Could be fair.

    What is your plan for kids? Are you quitting your job to stay home raising kids? That would fall under completely different circumstances and that would be a big no for me.

    Is this his pattern? Does he have an ex who stayed home with kids and then they got divorced? Is he a cheater?

    Are your incomes really different where he earns a lot more than you? Do you pay 50/50 for bills or split them according to %$ earned? What is your plan to cover expenses, big and small?

    If you do get married and then divorced what are you left with?

    It is good to have these discussions.

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