What are some tell signs she’s wanting to force a relationship?

I met a girl on a dating app. She started to lovebomb me after 2 weeks of us talking. I did distance myself but if i dont say anything lets say for hours as im at work she messages me if i forget about her. Ive had serious talks with her such as what she’s wanting in dating /in a relationship/her future. Ive talked to her over the phone & face-timed but the calls were under 30 mins due to either her being at school & me at work. Ive explained to her that id rather us talk by phone than text & she promsied for us to phone call more but she has an excuse that she doesn’t have the service for us to call as she doesn’t live in the city but on the outskirts. We text using whatsapp & i do believe it could be the cell service as the one check two check deal that whatsapp has when sending a text verify that. When she has no service 1 check, when she does, it gets the two checks & turns blue when she reads them. Now when we text its very dry.


Me: Hey, What are you going to do throughout your day?

Her: Sleeping and you?

Me: Oh ok well ill let you go I bet your very tired. Just lmk if youd like to talk when you wake up.

Her: No ill let you know when ill go to sleep

Me: Ok so what are you up to in the mean time?

Her: Nothing im at home

Me: Cool what are you doing at home?

Her: Nothing

& its like this every day. Ive even asked her for us to stop talking as we dont seem to be compatible but she insists on us to keep on talking. Im just thinking to myself: Bro like WTF if are you into me you wouldnt be such a dry person & initiate in the convo or bring something up to talk about or take sometime out & call me. But im giving her a chance to try to create a conversation about different subjects but she just goes back to one liners or just dry af texts. Shes told me she likes me & would want to be with me but how could this work out if i barley know her as shes being reserved.

IDK about you guys but i like a juicy ass steak not some microwave dry ass steak if ya know what i mean. At this point im just thinking shes trying to force something even though its not working out.

Now we are both not from the same country she’s in Venezuela so im not sure if there could be a cultural dating difference there but IDK……… Btw i am hispanic & do talk to her in spanish.

  1. Honestly, some people are just shit at conversation and I believe if they cannot hold a satisfactory conversation that’s a respectable dealbreaker. I’m a chatty person, my bf is a chatty person so we bounce off each other. I can’t imagine carrying the conversation 24/7

  2. Life is too short and there are too many people in the world to spend time trying to force a relationship. Move on, bro

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