Where and How did you spend your milestone birthdays 16, 18, 21, 30, etc?

  1. Honestly 16: sex 18: at Dave and buster’s with my roommate 21: watching absolutely horrible movies while getting drunk with my roommate. Haven’t hit 30 yet

  2. 16- party, only 2 of my friends showed up. They are the only 2 I still have a relationship with.

    18- in class

    21- at work

    30- my husband took me on a date to my favorite restaurant and to the movies

  3. 16: skating 18: I don’t remember 19: bowling then house party (Canadian so legal drinking age) 22: was my golden birthday and spent it in Aruba 30: first year of lockdown, so all my husband and I could do really was sex and ordered from my favourite pizza place that was thankfully still open.

  4. 16 = smoking weed in the woods and going to the county fair lmao

    18 = lollapalpoza in Chicago

    21 = got alcohol poisoning in London

    & I’m 26 so no idea how I’ll spend my 30th, but it falls on a Saturday so😇

  5. 16:With my first boyfriend and friends
    18: University
    21: Broke up with first boyfriend but still spent it with my friends.
    30: Not 30 yet but it will include my husband.

  6. – 16: buying lots of booze because 16 was the legal age to start drinking in my country at that time, I remember my mom getting mad because I’ve picked up like 10 bottles of mixed drinks and liquor and had to put them back
    – 18: I literally remember nothing of it
    – 21: I went to a funeral of my dads best friend, which was very depressing
    – 30: I’m not 30 yet but I will make it a great party

    Fun fact: I’ve spent my 25th birthday on a plane home to The Netherlands from Miami because I went on the KISS Kruise but the plane crew somehow knew it was my birthday so they gave me a birthday card and a KLM porcelain house with liquor in it which is still sealed.

  7. I don’t remember what I did for 16 and 18, so clearly it wasn’t memorable. 21 I was hungover from the night before so we stayed in. 30 I had a final, then went home and studied for another final. 40 we had a pretty big party and friends flew in from out of state. 50, my husband surprised me with a weekend away.

  8. 16: crab Mac n cheese, 18: tattoo, 21: crying because my bf at the time told me the reason we didn’t have sex was because of me and other stuff and he didn’t want me to go out for my birthday, 27: drag show, dancing, and drinking with coworkers

  9. 16 isn’t a milestone in my country. Isn’t that only an American thing with sweet sixteen? 21 isn’t a milestone either. It’s just like any other normal birthday.

    Anyway, 18 and 20 aren’t always big things because not everyone has parents willing to throw a big party, and most people don’t have a lot of money this early in life to throw a party.

    Most people will throw big parties at all the other round number birthdays. Personally I don’t but I don’t celebrate my birthday at all anymore. I can’t be bothered.

  10. For 16. My parents threw a party for me but I also had to share that party with my sister who lives in England and just got married. I was stitching her ass into a dress and missed my father break dancing. Like she stole my party.

    18 birthday I don’t think I even did anything. There was family drama.

    21 my parents threw a party at home and we did a family pot luck.

    30 I spent with my parents. Went to a fancy dinner and cut a cake at home

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