Several readers in another thread wrote that they would appreciate a weekly thread asking readers to comment on what they are grateful for.

# So, what are you grateful for today?

Studies have shown that people who record things they’re grateful for on a regular basis become happier.

Below are some articles to help you get started.

**Be warned**

* these threads are being done on a trial basis, they may go away after a few weeks
* [site rules]( apply to these threads
* AskMenOver30 [rules]( apply to these threads
* these threads are not the place to vent about your problems. Open a new thread and flair it appropriately. Non-compliance will lead to being banned.

# Articles About Gratitude:

* [UC Davis: Gratitude is good medicine](
* [The Power Of Thankfulness](
* [Four Science Backed Benefits Of Gratitude](
* [Four Research Based Gratitude Strategies](

  1. That in NZ, Christmas Day and the forced celebrations are finally over and I can now start my 3 weeks off from work and do what I want.

  2. I’ve survived one of the hardest years of my life so far, and it has given me deeper insight into some things I’ve taken for granted.

  3. I am grateful to have a clear path to improve, even if the path is really difficult! And grateful for the people that helped me get this far.

    I am grateful Xmas and Boxing day aren’t stressful with too many friends and family, etc.

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