Women who have chosen to not have children, do you ever regret it?

  1. I’m 33, I never wanted kids and I still don’t. I never regret it because every time I spend time with friends who have kids I’m exhausted afterwards. And it doesn’t matter how well behaved the kids are, I’m even having a good time most of the time. But after just an afternoon I’m so fucking happy to get home to my quiet apartment to relax. I’d never be able to do this for years and years.

  2. Nope. I have no maternal instincts, alongside the fact that pregnancy and childbirth look like physical torture, and children look messy and expensive. I get all the love I need from my fiancé, friends and family, and my cat.

  3. Not even for a second. I hate kids. I never wanted to be pregnant. I cared more about being financially independent and advancing my career. I love my life, sleeping in, waking up in my nice house, driving to work in my luxury car, being able to come home and read my books. Husband and I have sex daily. At 35 I go to the gym three times a week and my body looks the same as it did in my early twenties, if not better.

  4. No. Never. Not even once. Never wanted them. Never had them. Never will consider having them. I’m free!

    I love my nieces and nephews, but damn… both my sisters are unhappy, mentally ill, stressed out, sleep-deprived, and using any form of escapism to cope with their lives right now. They love their kids. They’re great mothers, but the toll of raising a kid is significantly higher than most people are willing to admit and talk about.

  5. I love being an Aunty – I would hate being a mother. I like watching my niece grow and reach milestones but she is exhausting to be around.

  6. 35 here. I love kids that Go home. I do not and never have had the “Motherly instinct” so I guess it all works out for me. I have dated men with kids then ended up being annoyed with playing step mother role so I broke it off. I don’t regret nothing. It is not for everyone also considering worldly climate and the state of this world. To me having kids is selfish and life is a scam in the big picture. Two people had sex,got me and then separated….now I am paying bills. Lol still grateful tho but not for me.

  7. Not for one single moment. In fact, I feel even more validated in my choice as the years go by.

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