How would you feel if your partner doesn’t support you using makeup?

  1. i’d break up with them. i really enjoy makeup, it’s one of my biggest interests. hating makeup is the biggest insecurity

  2. But doesn’t that mean he finds you pretty even without the make up? Isn’t that a positive? I’m confused

  3. I don’t wear makeup, but that being said, if I had a partner who told me that they wouldn’t support me if I wanted to get into it, I would likely reconsider that relationship. Makeup is a form of self-expression, and if they don’t support me in that, they probably aren’t the kind of person to support me in general.

  4. I don’t even wear makeup, but it would make me feel like my partner is stupid and a bit misogynistic. Red flag.

  5. I never wear make up but if I would we probably have a problem. I would wear it for me, not for him:her.

  6. What does me wearing makeup have to do with my partner? It’s my face so my choice and they can think what they want to think as long as they don’t judge me for it

  7. Support is an odd word for it. If he doesn’t like it then tough or move on, I don’t wear much anyway

  8. I’d wonder what other extremely trivial and suspiciously misogynist things he doesn’t “support” and I’d have to have a discussion about that.

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