I have no idea if this post fits in this subreddit, anyway:

I have a new roommate (2 room appartment). She will move in the next days but came very often to hang out with me or brings furniture, etc. for her new room.

We got along very well relatively quickly and ”vibed” (she also told her friends that) as she said. In a few evenings together, we noticed that we have a lot in common and also tick similarly and she said that . One evening she asked me if I was single and would like to have children someday and also said ”this is a bit like dating”. She also suggested, that we could watch every now and that movies or series in her room or smoking weed.

Then we had an exchange about our love life and I found out that she has ended a 3-year relationship 2 months ago, so she said straight away that she didn’t want to have a relationship for the time being (which I think is super reasonable!) and doesn’t have time for that either, so of course I then asked which types she likes, and she said that she doesn’t really have a type, but that inner values are more important, but it’s “important” to her that the person comes from a Russian-speaking area – but isn’t that somewhat contradictory? During the conversation we came across dating apps and suggested me using Bumble and so on.

Maybe she wants to set me up with someone in her circle of friends, but then she wouldn’t say we have a lot in common and stuff. The whole thing is just super confusing and I don’t want it to escalate because we already get along very well but I would not mind if this friendship could go anywhere.

Am I imagining things or does she already see me as a potential partner?

1 comment
  1. She’s just out of a three year relationship. Her boundaries are all out of wack and she’s looking for an emotional replacement for a partner. Be on your guard around this one. She says what she thinks you want to hear but then she contradicts herself later. She’s a mess.

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