Do you guys who are under 30 feel “undervalued” by women? I see many discusions where men feel like their peak is in their 30s. Or is this just some excuse men use because of their immaturity while they are in their 20s?

  1. and they want to feel better about themselves There are a lot of factors that play into this. I think a lot of it has to do with our society’s focus on youth and beauty. Women are bombarded with messages telling them that they need to be young and beautiful in order to be valued, so it’s no wonder that many of them place a high value on those things. Men are not immune to this pressure either. We’re constantly being told that we need to be successful and wealthy in order to be attractive to women, so it’s no surprise that some men feel like they need to achieve those things before they can find a partner. There is also the fact that many people in their 20s are still trying to figure out who they are and what they want in life, so it’s natural for them to feel like they’re not quite ready for a serious relationship.

  2. I’m in my 30s and still immature by some standards and I won’t make an excuse for that, because that doesn’t need to be excused. That being said, you have it easier with women when you have sorted your career, make decent money, which leads me to believe women don’t actually care about maturity, they care about what you bring to the table. And that’s almost always more when your in your 30s vs. your 20s.

  3. I feel confused bcs men older and younger than me have gfs or wifes.
    Also women are not more mature

  4. I don’t think it’s an excuse, the 30s has been where mens earnings begin to exceed womens, so I think that has a lot to do with it. Everyone likes to say the “right “and progressive thing, but how much you make or your job title does affect how people see you

  5. I did pretty well with the ladies in my 20s.. but the 30s.. omfg! The sex, the relationships, the experiences are significantly better in your 30s!

    I’m better, they’re better! Everything is just better!

  6. I think a lot of guys who are using their 20’s to build a strong foundation for their future can feel a bit undervalued. For guys that are in school, or just graduating and trying to build a good career, build savings, buy a starter home, start a business, trying to earn certifications, advanced degrees, etc. All of that stuff isn’t flashy or glamorous and you don’t usually start to reap the benefits from those things until you’re closer to/in your 30’s. Yet, I’ve seen many women who are also in their 20’s set pretty high expectations for what they look for in a man (money, nice house, nice car, ripped body, etc.). The guys I described above are likely actively trying to earn those things, but it takes lots of time and energy to get to that point. So, it would make sense if those guys feel a little undervalued, they’re doing the work that will give them the life they want, but many other people won’t appreciate it until he’s actually achieved those things.

  7. Well, I can certainly say as a 25-year-old man that I’ve been rejected by women my age or younger because they were looking for someone more “established” or straight-up stated they were into older guys.

    In my lifetime so far, I’ve gotten far more attention from single women over 35 looking for some fun than women in their 20s. And what’s weird is that those 35+ women often tell me I do much more than the guys they dated in their twenties. (I work, I cook, I do housework, I take care of a sick parent, I teach a class on the side, etc.) I won’t make any sweeping generalizations, but in MY experience, I don’t seem to appear on 20-something women’s radars.

  8. I’m still under the age of 30, I never felt like I was undervalued by women.. and my wife makes feel loved and taken care of.. I’m happy where I’m at in those regards

  9. Its not that we feel “undervalued” its just that we feel we’ll have more to offer and be more emotionally mature in our 30s.

  10. I think a lot of your early and even mid 20’s is figuring out who you are and who you want to be, and trying to establish that. It can be a confusing time, some people feel lost, etc., and some people have trouble valuing themselves before they get that figured out. By the time you get to your later 20’s (for most people) and into your 30’s, a lot of people have figured that out. When you value yourself more, other people will as well.

  11. Older guy here. I definitely saw a difference before and after 30ies. I am well l in my 40ies and I see a lot of the so called strong and empowered women that I knew through my life became bitter and most of them are alone, options running out in all cases. The ones that managed to have a relationship are still miserable but they have found a guy that accepts their misery… I have seen a lot of fights first hand. So yeah, my experience is that life gets better for men after 30ies and harsher for women, unless they are in a stable relationship.

  12. As a man you need to make yourself valuable, your age doesn’t matter. If you’re sitting at home all day with no job, jerking off, smoking weed and are out of shape you have very little value in a woman’s eyes, you might attract some but they’ll be happy to leave when something better comes along.
    Be disciplined, strive to be the best version of yourself, stay in shape and work hard. You will make yourself valuable, your age doesn’t matter.

  13. Men peak in different aspects at different times in their lives. Athletically, men probably peak in their 20’s, but professionally you would not peak until your 40’s or even 50’s depending on what he does.

  14. value is your perceived worth by others, if you feel under valued then your thought process is wrong, adjust it to match when life shows you then adjust your life accordingly.


    My value to others as seen by others is way less than the majority on the planet, so i adjusted my life knowing this and expected that outcome.

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