Whenever I have sex it hurts. Sometimes it wouldn’t hurt but if I keep going it’ll start hurting. Before I had a yeast infection + BV and treated it so I thought that’s why but even after treatment it still hurts. It was kind of an issue in my previous relationship. I’ve been very horny lately so I decided to buy a dildo. Literally just tried to use it and it was painful trying to penetrate myself. I tried 3 times, I even lubbed it.

2. I can’t cum. I’ve tried so hard and I just can’t.

3. I literally only orgasm when I use my vibrator but with people, I only orgasm when I’m getting my vagina licked but once I orgasm, I get disgusted and don’t want to do anything anymore.

I need help. I feel like there’s something wrong with me. I’ve literally just been wanting to have fun and I can’t.

  1. I’m a guy, so please take this with a heap of salt, try getting really really horny, it helps to cum faster, so maybe before it starts to hurt? Like actually horny, not trying to be horny because you’re bored or just need something to scratch an itch. Maybe that’s a guy thing, but in case it’s not, it might help? 🤷‍♂️

  2. You should get checked for BV again. Some women, like myself, get this in a chronic fashion and need constant upkeep. It doesn’t mean being on antibiotics all the time, but there are various supplements to help support our vaginal health. My only symptom when I’m experiencing a bout of BV is painful sex and a very slightly more acidic taste down there. It can be real subtle otherwise.

    r/healthyhooha is a good place to learn.

    It might not be this, but clearly this is more of a medical question so I’d be marching right back to your OB.

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